albums by newer death metal bands WORTH OWNING


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
from the about five years ago until now would be nice.

At the moment, I am not interested in:

Brutal death metal
Melodic death metal
tech death

It also helps if what you recommend is actually available, because I do want to buy them. :)
Anything by:

Dead Congregation
Necros Christos
The Chasm

But you surely already knew that :)
The chasm isnt a newer band. :p

But yea thats a good start. I have grave of the archangels on it's way.

Sorry bro, i skimmed the intro and read "tech death" and thought "sweet, i have a band in mind". :lol:

Ok, here's a couple of albums i've been digging;

Overoth - Kingdom Of Shadows


Graveyard - One with the Dead


This isn't too bad. Better production than their previous efforts as well.
Tribulation - The Horror
Lantern - Subterranean Effulgence
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Ignivomous - Death Transmutation
Adorior - Author of Incest
Coffins - Buried Death

random favorites of the last 5-6 years.
This isn't too bad.

What a ringing endorsement. I think I'll run out and buy it.

Not so much a new band, but I just got Hellbrigade and World Declension by Centinex and am enjoying them both. Swedish style death metal, old school roots with a modern sound and songwriting style.
That's a pretty good album, reminds me of king diamond doing a swedish death metal album. Have you listened to the new Revolting yet DD? I bought it after hearing a couple songs and it's damn good.