Newest most celebrated Death Metal albums.

Bloodbath `resurrection through carnage.

Like Fire

Death Delirium

Cry My Name
For the love of Jesus, couldn't you think of another band other than Bloodbath? They are a tribute band, if anything.
"Newer" stuff??

Monstrosity "Spiritual Apocalypse"
Vital Remains "Dechristianize"
The Faceless "Akeldaema"
Carcariass "Killing Process"
Spawn of Possession "Cabinet"
Pavor "Furioso"
Nile "Ithyphallic"

At least check out the Monstrosity & Carcariass if nothing else, I would say.
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis
Decapitated - the Negation
Entombed - Morning Star
*yes later Entombed are not exactly death metal but..
Dying Fetus - Stop at Nothing
Dying Fetus - War of Attritition
Misery Index - Retaliate/Dissent
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
Malevolent Creation - Doomsday X
the only newer ones ive heard are dead congregation and deathevokation, both of which are stellar

some new albums by old bands that i like are smear campaign by napalm death and the chasm's latest couple. i also enjoy akercocke
For the love of Jesus, couldn't you think of another band other than Bloodbath? They are a tribute band, if anything.
Their new album has strayed from their 'tribute band' sound. In fact, I think it's their best album whereas I've never much cared for them before.

Anyways, recommendations:
The Project Hate
Plague Bringer

Second Arghoslent but instead recommend 'Galloping Through the Battle Ruins' - which is their best album imo.