Out of the ordinary Death Metal

Agressor - Medieval Rites
Misanthrope - Visionnaie
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Pavor - Furioso
Demilich - Nespithe
Esqarial - Inheritance
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
Cynic - Focus
Nocturnus - The Key
Death - Human
Melechesh - Sphynx
Orphaned Land - Mabool

Lots of great stuff in there. Add Lykathea Aflame, The Faceless & Theory in Practice.
I second The Faceless both their albums are great imo.

edit: Maybe not out of the ordinary but
Decapitated - Nihility
Decrepit Birth
Rad a Trest. The English title is Order and Punishment. Like I said, the vocals can get a bit goofy at times but the music itself is totally amazing.

i love those guys. went to all their shows, when they were still around.

anyways, good luck finding gothic disturbance, or their final release embrace the mutation

sooooooooooo gooooooooooood

Hell yeah, lucky you got to seem them. It's a real shame they split up.
I remember hearing 'Embrace the Mutation' when it came out and thinking it was pretty good, but it felt like something was missing, something sort of bothered me. Of course that was like 5 years ago, so I might think differently if I listened again. But it was certainly a good band.
The Project Hate

Ok, a couple of these aren't really atmospheric heavyweights...still...