Albums currently kicking your ass

You guys check out Psalm 69 by Ministry? Always thought that was a great industrial album. Love the title song and NWO. Great kick out of it everytime I listen. They are also a pretty good live band, Saw them play Pslam 69 on youtube live I think.
Nah never heard of them. I'll check them out. If your thinking thats what im refering to I was actually referring to ministry but thanks for the band suggestion. Got any more?
My freind who was and probly still is a black and death metal freak has gotten into alot of industrial (He got me into black metal a year ago). He seems to like KMFDM alot. I find them alright. I like their song "Megalomaniac" off their album "Symbols" is also on the Mortal Kombat Annihilation soundtrack. Also a great movie. They aren't metal but they are a good industrial band. Not that I'm into them but I listened to some of their stuff.
Canadian thrash ftw.

Not a Gojira fan, it's too focused on being "progressive" and not enough on writing anything worth listening to imo. They're probably one of the most overrated bands in metal. The newest Dagoba album is semi-similar but does it way better imo because it's not all wrapped up in stupid posturing and image, and it's actually heavy and oppressive as fuck.

Yea I was listening to it earlier and I realized why I stopped listening it for so long. It's just one of those album that has great moments, but I need more than just moments in my music unless they're followed by great musicianship/songwriting.
My freind who was and probly still is a black and death metal freak has gotten into alot of industrial (He got me into black metal a year ago). He seems to like KMFDM alot. I find them alright. I like their song "Megalomaniac" off their album "Symbols" is also on the Mortal Kombat Annihilation soundtrack. Also a great movie. They aren't metal but they are a good industrial band. Not that I'm into them but I listened to some of their stuff.

You should check out some industrial black metal, there's some good shit in there if you know where to look.