Albums currently kicking your ass

N00b. You need to be kewl like me and have kvlt pics of you with it. See below (I think you've seen it before, but I feel like making a fool out of myself more than usual ;)):


For those of you who are perceptive, check out the difference in cover art between Jenn's CD version and my vinyl one.

Another album I was drawn to because of the cover art. Put it off for a while because of not being able to find anything about it on Metal Archives... But I'll say it's a satisfying surprise. :)
Death Magnetic - This album has yet to bore me...I love every single song..And have been listening alot since it leaked last year. The only thing that bothers me is James choice of vocals here and there...That high pitchy scream is atrocious..

I always had a soft spot for this album. It was the "soundtrack" to my previous relationship, and since that ended I couldn't bring myself to playing it again. Feels good to be back.

I can't believe I messed out on this last year. Attila really beats his vocal chords up here and gives some soaring vocal melodies. Plus, the organ on the first track is massive. Monoliths & Dimensions is going to be their most complex and daring record yet. I like the move into adding more melody and musical elements into their sound; it gives a much more dense and complete feel.
Listened to SMRC by DSO in the last 2 weeks as much as I listened to Ride the Lightning and Blackwater Park when I want crazy on those a while back. Definitely my favorite black metal album right now.

I can't believe I messed out on this last year. Attila really beats his vocal chords up here and gives some soaring vocal melodies. Plus, the organ on the first track is massive. Monoliths & Dimensions is going to be their most complex and daring record yet. I like the move into adding more melody and musical elements into their sound; it gives a much more dense and complete feel.

Yeah, I have this on DLP, it's quite good.