Albums currently kicking your ass

i think that's the case with a whole lot of people. i just don't want incantation to be the kind of band that gets mentioned in that 'one album wonders' thread.

not trying to imply OtG is anything short of great btw.
Some people tell me that all or almost all of their albums are worth hearing, so I wondered the same thing.
I've never checked out any Incantation besides Mortal Throne and Onward, what should I go for?

'diabolical conquest' and the 'forsaken mourning...' EP next i reckon, though they're not on the level of those two. the last one was cool too, give that a go. basically there's no *bad* incantation album, although 'blasphemy' is kinda flat.
If Diabolical Conquest is the one with Daniel Corchado on guitar and vocals, it probably is a really good album.