Albums currently kicking your ass


The guitars slay.
The vocals are a tad annoying... even for slam... lots of dry inhales... but the music around it is good enough that I can deal with it and still think its good. :kickass:
I can never figure out what to call the style of this album, gothic something maybe. It's kinda like the first album but not as heavy and with less death metal elements, it's almost a bit Paradise Lost-ish. To anyone who has heard and likes Ashore The Celestial Burden I definitely advice you to check this out, it's quite stunning.
Mantic Ritual is on a whooooole other level from Warbringer, who definitely represent American poserthrash. MR kill them in literally every way.

Yep! Mantic Ritual are seriously awesome. They have that whole retro thrash sound down without sounding TOO retro to the point where it's just annoying. Warbringer on the other so much.