Albums currently kicking your ass

Celebrating midsummer's eve with this. I think this album has the greatest use of synths in metal, just some subtle disturbing tones now and then which really gives it an even more obscure sound.
If you like the more flipped out stuff on In The Nightside Eclipse for example you're bound to like it, I like how the melodies are not of the "in your face"-kind. I'm no black metal guy but this kind of stuff is what it takes to get me interested.


I have all the King Diamond albums, but for some reason I never picked this one up. I finally got it. WOW, love it. It ranks in this order for me: Them, Abigail, Conspiracy, The Eye/The Puppet Master tie. AWESOME album.

I have all the King Diamond albums, but for some reason I never picked this one up. I finally got it. WOW, love it. It ranks in this order for me: Them, Abigail, Conspiracy, The Eye/The Puppet Master tie. AWESOME album.

The Eye, Them, Abigail, Puppet master. Either way, King Diamond is the bestest.
I fucking love Fates Warning but my CD source has been out of stock of their stuff forever. I might have to cancel my orders. It's so annoying.