Albums currently kicking your ass

Nokturnal Mortum

FUCK! THANK YOU! I had the album 'The Gates of Blasphemous Fire' a long time back, but somehow lost it. I'd not known the band then, so all I could remember was, vaguely, the cover. I knew it started with an 'n', but I just looked, and that's the one. 4 years I've tried to remember. YAY!
FUCK! THANK YOU! I had the album 'The Gates of Blasphemous Fire' a long time back, but somehow lost it. I'd not known the band then, so all I could remember was, vaguely, the cover. I knew it started with an 'n', but I just looked, and that's the one. 4 years I've tried to remember. YAY!

Me too.

@Demon Lung: Drawing Down the Moon is a great album but the whispered vocals are still a hurdle for me. Depending on my mood I either find them hilarious or irritating.
@Demon Lung: Drawing Down the Moon is a great album but the whispered vocals are still a hurdle for me. Depending on my mood I either find them hilarious or irritating.
The vocals don't really bother me. I just love the whole atmosphere of the album. Also I love that they went a different direction than other 2nd wave bands with the whispered/heavy effect vox and also the drone/doom parts. Great album but for some reason the only Beherit I own.