Albums currently kicking your ass

Fucking furious death metal done the south american way.


Great stuff Onder :kickass:
Schwärzung;9305852 said:
I've been meaning to hear this. How does it stack up against their other material?

It's nothing like any of their other albums, it's pretty savage (Teitanblood comes to mind specifically) with hints of death metal here and there. Definitely worth a look and I'm looking forward to the next installments of the Liber series.

I never could get into Hell is Empty... much. All of Anaal's other albums smoke it IMO.
It's nothing like any of their other albums, it's pretty savage (Teitanblood comes to mind specifically) with hints of death metal here and there. Definitely worth a look and I'm looking forward to the next installments of the Liber series.

I never could get into Hell is Empty... much. All of Anaal's other albums smoke it IMO.
Good to hear...might have to hunt that one down.

..and yeah, I enjoy Eschaton the most out of all their stuff, but this one's really ticking with me tonight.