Albums currently kicking your ass

I've got nothing against Fear Factory. Demanufacture and Obsolete are good albums for what they are.


The best songs on this EP is the best thrash Ive heard all year, same standards as Chemical Assault.

Too bad its not all that superb all the way, still kicking ass for sure.
I was disappointed with it, and I do love Chemical Assault. It just didn't live up to those standards as a whole. meh. rather listen to the new Wicca.


Accidental Suicide - Deceased.
I was disappointed with it, and I do love Chemical Assault. It just didn't live up to those standards as a whole. meh. rather listen to the new Wicca.

For what I have understood, most people seem to feel that way about it and I can understand it. But it still has its superb moments here and there. I have not heard enough of the new Wicca yet to make a statement about it. Im in a thrashy mood, so guess I will give it another listen soon.

I've been playing this to death since I got it a few weeks ago, can't get enough of it!