Albums currently kicking your ass


I want this album but they charge an assload for it on their site. :bah:

Like this a lot. Has anyone heard Relentless Retribution yet? I'm wondering if its any good with all the line up changes.
I don't know if we'll get another Cobalt album,Phil's settled down with a misses and has a kid on the way and Erik's busy with Man's Gin,I still need that album and Gin.
^ I own this one and Gin and both rule tbh. I'm curious to check their first and the 2008' EP

Download the EP, it's not worth buying IMO. There is only one track that makes it worthwhile, which is Extinction. Stomach from Gin is also on it, & then like a 30 minute ambient piece that is a total snoozefest.

I see these guys get talked about on here quite a bit, but never this album. I personally think it's their best.
^ I have their logo on a shirt :err:

right now i am actually enjoying Wolves In The Throne Room "Black Cascade." very oceanic and relaxing.

Only heard diadem of the 12 stars or whatever it's called, thought it was pretty dull.

Been listening to a lot of BOLT THROWER,


even though it's pretty obvious they copied their own opening riff off embers for their 2005 song, killchain.