Albums currently kicking your ass

I am going to get a lot of shit for liking this one, but fuck it.


Post rock influenced black metal/noise not too dissimilar from Krallice. The guy behind the band comes off as a bit of a twat in interviews but the music is interesting.
Mort, have you heard For the Sake of No One yet? If that were released before Release, I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I'm anticipating their new album, Inner Harbor. Revelation may very well be the best reunion of all time. The only downside, from my perspective, is that it has freed up Against Nature to experiment a lot more, resulting in more material that doesn't entirely mesh with my tastes.
Metalheads really don't like Liturgy haha. The ideas motivating the music seem confused and amateurish, but the music itself is good. Kind of like Burzum (or most black metal for that matter).

People wont check this out because of the art/lyrical content but this is fucking fantastic brutal death metal that verges on slam from 2001, great reissue by Comatose.