Albums currently kicking your ass

Monotheist - Unforsaken

This is my first time hearing it, and half-way through I am fairly impressed. It's like mostly somewhat epic death metal with progressive tendencies and long songs that have more thoughtful moments in some of them. I just read a review where someone said they take some influenced fro Opeth. I suppose, but I am not very familiar with Opeth and have always been bored by their albums that I have heard. But so far this has enough brutality to stay interesting (though as I type this the passage that I am not hearing has been going on a bit too long. Not bad, but a little boring IMO).
Into Eternity - The Incurable Tragedy

I enjoy this album quite a bit. It's not as totally amazing as Dead or Just Dreaming or Buried in Oblivion, but it has some excellent moments throughout. Much better IMO that The Scattering of Ashes.
Into Eternity - The Incurable Tragedy

I enjoy this album quite a bit. It's not as totally amazing as Dead or Just Dreaming or Buried in Oblivion, but it has some excellent moments throughout. Much better IMO that The Scattering of Ashes.

Timeless Winter and Surrounded by Night though off of Scattering of Ashes kick my ass more than anything else by Into Eternity.

Kicking my ass atm, and definitely better than anything else Petrucci has done as a whole:
