Albums currently kicking your ass

Nirvana 2002.

Orange Goblin rock like hell. I've heard Time Travellin' Blues and The Big Black, and they're both fantastic.
Rammstein- Reise, Reise

Last album of theirs that I've heard good material on, some of the songs suck but the others are really good. I know a lot here don't like him, but they were one of the first metal bands I really got into so it's kind of a nostalgia thing for me, I don't listen to them much anymore. I really love the singer's voice, I think that's my favorite aspect of them. Their songs are quite simple, sometimes too simple, but in a good way I think.
Well Andy, you know my taste pretty well. This band's piqued my curiosity what with you and Nick flipping multiple shits about them playing MDF this year. Would I like their stuff?

Nick doesn't like them, idk where you got that...he doesn't like Swedish old school DM...but if you do (Carnage/Dismember, Nihilist/Entombed, etc.) you'll fucking love N2002.