Albums currently kicking your ass


Got this in the mail today. Wow, I can't get over how punkishly evil it sounds, pleasant surprise. I like the over-brutality of later Vomitory too, but this is really cool.
Axis of Advance's disco
You can't go wrong with Axis Of Advance.Also if you like them checkout Sacramentary Abolishment,whose members went on to form Axis Of Advance.They were and even today very unique and original sounding,running the gamut from militaristic war marches to blakened ambient doom.They were one of my favourite bands ever and the two albums they left behind are fucking classics.
These guys can rock, but their vocalist is horrible. I could never get into them because of the vocals. Just atrocious, whiny faggotry on top of heavy as balls guitar riffs. It doesn't fit.

I didn't like the vocalist the first time I heard them, but after trying them a few times I began to appreciate how it fits the music.

The new one is the first album with full collaboration from Chris Pennie and there is a noticable change in direction with the drumming. The drumming is obviously better in this album but I think I like the riffs/songs in NWFT better.

You can't go wrong with Axis Of Advance.Also if you like them checkout Sacramentary Abolishment,whose members went on to form Axis Of Advance.They were and even today very unique and original sounding,running the gamut from militaristic war marches to blakened ambient doom.They were one of my favourite bands ever and the two albums they left behind are fucking classics.

I generally love "war metal", and these guys have a good variant of that.