Albums' Production


Jul 8, 2004
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I would like to ask something to Steve. Why the production of Beware is so distant from the approach taken on Messiah and Book Of The Dead, for example? Did you guys had to work with a lower budget or the production simply reflects what the band wanted it to be? You know, I think there is a strong Sabbath feeling in some of the songs from this album, while the previous ones carry a Maiden atmosphere. Anyway, I love this album and Nadir did an amazing job.
Yes, the budget for Beware was lower than the other two you mention. I think the sludgier guitar tones evoke more Sabbath feel and the cleaner tones are a bit more Maidenish. The writing is really the same influences. I always saw Maiden as having a huge Sabbath influence anyway, especially a 'Heaven and Hell' influence. So to me it's like being influenced by the same band, just diluted a bit.
At first, I was thrown with Beware's sound, but after becoming familiar with the tunes, I began to accept the less-pristine production values. It was obvious the budget was less than what it had been when SP was on Nuclear Blast.

And to that point, why was Steel Prophet dropped from NB, anyway? Or was the contract up and NB simply decided not to renew?

Either way, I think Nuclear Blast lost out not continuing to have one of America's very best heavy metal bands on its roster.