Albums with the best production

Mumblefood said:
Most of these are extremely crisp and 3 dimensional sounding, as well as densely layered... some are there just because i fucking LOVE the sound of them, even if not an engineering marvel :p

Shpongle - Are You Shpongled?

Holy shit, I'm not the only one here that listens to Shpongle. That's a great album.
How about Ween " Chocolate & The Cheese" ???
I'm joking ofcourse, but they do have some funny shit on their albums.

I'd also like to add "Death Cult Armageddon" by Dimmu Borgir &
"Dirt" by Alice in Chains &
"The Real Thing" by Faith No More - one of my all-time fav's
metal_wrath said:
Ironic that your username is death to false metal, seeing this list. Well anyway -1 for listing Metallica black album (multiple tracks don't require any talent at all), plus Carcass' hearwork did not have good production imo. Are you kidding about Micheal Jackson and..... Limp Biscuit. LMFAO @ Seal and Prodigy and U2 etc... I give up

:lol: you are an idiot
FuneralPortrait said:
Nah, a mate just sent me the picture on email- she found it on the web somewhere. The original image I have is only slightly bigger than whats displayed in my avatar.. very cool pic tho.
If you want to recreate this pic all you have to do is take the original still life pic and use microsoft paint to invert the colors.
i actually think dimmu borgir's death cult armageddon and stormblast re-release have my favourite production. i know a lot of you hate them but i think they are excellent sound engineers and have a great ear for making crisp, powerful sounding albums
Necromantic-Hiko said:
when did he say metal albums with the best production?
No but he did mention the anti-metal - limp bizkit, among other non metal bands which is funny considering his username dumbass. Also this is a metal forum, and this list is also very half thought-out and a pile of shit. so i say SHIT FAV LIST

Also Devin Townsend sucks.

If you want to hear some production check out NILE - Annihilation of the Wicked.:rock:
metal_wrath said:
No but he did mention the anti-metal - limp bizkit, among other non metal bands which is funny considering his username dumbass. Also this is a metal forum, and this list is also very half thought-out and a pile of shit. so i say SHIT FAV LIST

Also Devin Townsend sucks.

If you want to hear some production check out NILE - Annihilation of the Wicked.:rock:
He never said Limp Bizkit is or has anything to do with metal or that he even likes Limp Bizkit.
As far as recent stuff, the new Project Hate had some excellent production.

All time though, I'd have to say Fates Warning's The Spectre Within.
Mumblefood said:
Most of these are extremely crisp and 3 dimensional sounding, as well as densely layered... some are there just because i fucking LOVE the sound of them, even if not an engineering marvel :p

Strapping Young Lad - S/T
I'd have to say (Other than HAARHT) that that is the SYL album with the worst production. The guitars are muddy, and the drums are really... I don't know, the best word I can come up with to describe it is "cottony".
City (except for perhaps the kick) and definitely Alien are much much better.