Albums you desperately want


Ed Repka cover? Check. Alex Marquez on drums? Check. Typical, Scott Burns production? Check! For those who don't know, I love Flordian death metal, perhaps even more than the Swedish/Finnish scenes. And yet, this is album is ridiculously hard to come across. Owning this would complete my life.

Anywho, what albums do YOU want the most?

It's not hard to find...maybe at a decent price. But if it's worth 40$ for you it isn't hard to find.

I'm only going to mention rare items:

Radio Werewolf - unreleased album from the 80's
Suspiria - Tragedy
Corpus Delicti - all studio albums!
Sombre Chemin - Notre Héritage Ancestral

Fear Cult - A Bouquet of Songs

London After Midnight - Oddities (12" picture disc)
I am in the process of buying the other three picture discs, so soon I will have each LAM picture disc, in addition to already owning absolutely everything LAM has released on CD.
I've been looking for an unopened copy of The Lamp of Thoth - Portents, Omens, and Doom for quite a while now. Distros are out, and it's nowhere to be found on amazon or ebay.
Why? Because I don't want to be cheated out of my hard-earned money by cyber nobodies. An eye-to eye transaction is my preferable mode of purchase.
Well it's not like we are throwing away $200+ on rare albums but it's nice to get a first pressing of an album for $20-$30.
I get it, man. A die-hard collector's passion breaches all walls of reason and logic. Like I don't know. I'm addicted to games as much as many of you are to collecting first press releases.
I'm not. You still hold a grudge against me. What the hell? A person is entitled to his opinion. And Brad hasn't stated numerous times that Slayers sucks, even when told to shut up repeatedly? Gimme a break, seriously What is that, kindergarten? It's a message board to discuss music.