Albums you discarded after first listen, then loved months later.


Dream Theater - ToT, I dont LOVE it, I just dont think its pure shit anymore.

Faith No More - King for a Day , I got it a month ago, listened to it once and discarded it, hopefully it will grow on me, but hey it was 3 bucks @ work (opened but unplayed) so... I wont mind THAT much
Threshold - Critical Mass

After some listens I thought I had wasted a lot of money, but some months later I startened listen to it again, and wow! What a great album, pure great progressive metal! ;)
I've felt the same about this and soon after this, I exchanged CM with Critical Energy, and I must say, it was the best decission concerning Threshold
yeah I had that with The Jester Race from In Flames, and also Lunar strain. Now they are among the Best melodic-Death cd's I own. Alot of cd's just need a few spins.
Rhapsody- Power of the Dragonflame. I actually tried to sell it because I hated it so much (however, I got it before I was into any prog metal at all, so I can be forgiven for offending so great a band. I hadn't even listened to SX yet). Also, before I listened to any great prog metal, I heard Acid Rain by the Liquid Tension Experiment and was not moved. Now, I love it.
Tool's "Aenima." I was also too young too appreciate it and Danny Carey. Sabbath and Pantera were everything to me. Then, i started getting into prog-metal, and when SymX's "V" came out, my friend played it for me, now I've fallen in love with everything prog, and then thought "Danny Carey, man, that guy is actually GOOD," so I popped that shit back in after it collected an inch of dust. I don't loooove the album, but I do like it. Still...he's no Rullo.