alcohol makes you become...


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
in which way does your behaviour change? except for stumbling :D , what kind of feelings do you have (for those who manage to remember)? do you become aggressive, do you fall asleep, do you jump around like a mad monkey... ? or similar....

I'll start first, as I started. the thread. :loco:

when under the influence of alcohol, I'm never in a bad mood, au contraire, it gets better, I'm very friendly, I can't get angry, I love to discuss (in the same way I normally do, though somewhat softened o_O ), and the testosteron starts berzerking too. :cool:
depends on the amount

a little alcohol: hyper

reasonable: chill and everything becomes blurry and stuff

little more then reasonable: sleepy

a lot more then reasonable: keeps falling seems like fun untill about half a hour then you headage

too much: first 15min i like then i fall and lay nockout puke a few times and get master headage

my worst time: 11 in the morning drank a bottle of wodka 2 beers pasoa and some breezer jonk and smoked pod...i droped out within 10 minutes
woke op in the evening and that was like HELL!!
Yeah, depends on how much I'm drinking and WHAT I am drinking....
Beer makes me sleepy and happy,
Vodka / jager / brandy / Red wine and so on: very happy and friendly, i tend to laugh a lot, and dance (if im in a club) and just have a good time
if I'm with someone and I had too much red wine or something else...
I'm very horny. :oops:
and I'm sure everybody can agree with me: certain alcohol makes you do this..

I also hug a lot.... when I'm drunk and with people I love. \
depends on company and environment. i can get loud and hyper and silly, or i can just sit back and chill. i usually smoke bud when i get drunk, so i usually tend more towards the chilling. i also used to border on alcoholic and got drunk like every day so its really nothing particularly new and exciting. i kinda just go with the flow with whoever im getting drunk with.
I talk too much when I drink.. I just cant shut up, everything becomes so exciting. But then theres that odd time like one in every 10 times I drink where I just fall alseep.
It depends on my current mindset, really. Since I'm pretty much happy 95% of the time, I get really happy and silly and when I drink. I'll hug people, crack absolutely stupid jokes, etc.

If I drink when I'm not happy (which is rare), it definitely doesn't help to make me feel any better. I just get even more depressed and stop caring about anything. I've never gotten violent or wanted to fight or argue. I see people get like that and it sickens me. Why drink if it just makes you want to hurt other people and/or yourself?

On an un-related note.. one time at a show here, I was standing by the door, and in walks an obviously buzzed Jeff Loomis. He screams my name and comes running up to me, throws his arms around me and starts dry-humping my leg hahahahaha. He gets very happy on the alcohol lol.
Angry, because my sister and her friend are here, so I can't drink.

Darkspot only breaks into her parents liquor cabinet when she's feeling pissed off or tense or fucked up :saint: therefore liquor makes Darkspot calm...
Drinking a little just puts me in a good mood and makes me a little more comfortable in otherwise daunting social situations.

Drinking a bit more and I start to feel like singing a lot. Usually whatever obscure metal I had most recently been listening or felt like listening to. Occasionally this mood goes well with karaoke, but if I drink too much then I sing like crap. If I don't drink enough, then I'm nervous. Haven't done it with the right balance yet but I'm working on it. [note: may not help that I never seem to let myself sing anything easy, I've done a lot of painful karaoke Queensryche performances]

Also at a certain point, I develop a tolerance for music I otherwise despise. That is, suddenly I don't mind whatever annoying hip-hop or dance music is being played at the party or bar or wherever I am, which is helpful. To be standing there with this "I hate your music" look doesn't really help in getting along with people at those kind of parties. I'm pretty tolerant of other peoples' musical tastes, but after a few drinks I somehow start to like everything (and don't mind dancing a bit, very hard to get me to do othewise). Except country. I haven't drank enough yet to start liking country. :D

Beer seems to make me a little drowsy, especially if I'm already tired, which is why I prefer mixed drinks and Redbull and Vodka is really great 'cause it makes sure I don't get tired. Of course, I've noticed that I can get a lot more crazy on enough caffeine (or similar chemicals in energy drinks and such) than alcohol. Someday I aspire to set a new trend among rockstars by going on caffeine induced rampages and get a VH1 Behind the Music for my band where they mostly talk about "Matt's increasingly debilitating caffeine habit."

"By the end of our 2008 tour, I needed 3 redbulls just to get on stage, and after the show I would down about two liters of mountain dew, drop my pants around my ankles and run through the backstage area shouting 'I can teleport! The tacos can't hide from me now!'"
i get very happy for a couple of hours and then jsut continue to stand in one spot and stare at things
my frend told me one time i stood in the same spot staring at a china cabinet for an hour
3 drinks/beer= I talk and talk. I say what I think. This one time when my former class had a Christmas party, I decided to give a speech, where I told what I really thought about the people sitting at the table. (My best friend tried to stop me :D )

4-5 drinks/beer. I start to sing really cheesy songs like Cher or something from the Euro song contest.

more than 7. I either collapse, puke or fall a sleep :yuk:

I was named the class speaker in my year book because of that:D
I'm not really sure about it, I'm mostly talkative sometimes I guess, or I just sit spaced out and listen to whatever is going on, trying to make sure I understand. Of course, I never do.

Too much?
Well, according to my brother and dad, I was sleeping on the couch, one arm straight upwards, snoring, and once in a while sleeptalking. And then I woke up, thinking I had dozed off for a few seconds.