19 things you didn't need to know

siderea said:
urrr danny, cerulean is quite male in my opinion, or is it me missing the point here? :)
i was talking about tools speaking in dutch so the lady siderea could understand..anyways it don't matter.
siderea said:
did you konw taht tehre is no plberom in rdaenig a txet wehn you jsut keep the frsit and lsat slyalbe at the rghit sopt?
thats good that elisabeth. but don't you mean letter and not sylable?
yeah i think it must be a mistake in the magazine i took it from, probably it's 'iron shrinks in wintertime' but i think the metal maniacs on this forum are more able to help us out on that one
Faelivrin said:
i always thought that iron gets larger when the weather is warm ....

it does actually
one of the few things that I can remember from my physics educations...
it has to be right, as I don't remember much. that was the fact less suitable for me than maths :)
the same happens with roads... bridges are divided for pieces... becouse in summer ( when its warm) the pavement gorws... hm... and when you drive you can hear "tryyk tryyk tryyk" in winter it is louder.. yhmm.. yes :)
5: does that go for women too?
7: think i'll have to give it a try then
9: glad my son was born in march. his weght was 4.7 kg
16:i knew it, i knew it:fresh sweat doesn't stink! :)
siderea said:
did you konw taht tehre is no plberom in rdaenig a txet wehn you jsut keep the frsit and lsat leettr at the rghit sopt?
