alex I finally read Song of Susannah

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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well actually I read it in mid-July and then forgot about it

I guess that says something?

Actually I thought it was fine. I mean, definitely not mind-blowing but totally acceptable. The way he worked himself into the story was really cool even if his portrayal of himself was completely annoying - it was still a nifty gimmick, and I'm pretty excited for the next one after what happened at the end there.

The stuff with Susannah wasn't as bad as you made it out to be, I was into it. And Jake and Callahan are about to majorly fuck shit up!!
yeah, i think i'm just biased against Susannah. i can't wait for Jake and Callahan to school the low men and bird-faced demons!

you know, Callahan is TOTALLY GOING TO DIE in the next (last) book. even if no one else does (Roland will, too, I think, and Eddie/Susannah/Jake will survive. and Oy).

but how the hell are they going to handle the Mordred stuff? is he going to suddenly grow over the period of two or three days into a foe? it seems like a single book of development is not going to make for a very satisfying "final battle" between "two mighty foes" (him and Roland). i would rather see the undead Tick-Tock Man come back, or something.
I think mordred is going to inadvertantly cause mischief - like, it won't be his fault and he's actually not PURE EVIL because it's still up in the air as to whether or not he's really a demon.

Roland is most certainly going to die and Callahan too probably.

those fucking animal people were so creepy! that birdman picture in the book is unreal.
sooo you don't think the Mordred thing will be forestalled? i'm kind of slightly leaning toward that--they make a big deal about how Mordred is going to kick Roland's ass when he grows up, but they manage to somehow have him never grow up--they finish the Tower shit before then, or kill the baby.

or maybe he will still be a baby but be grown up and fighting Roland in a DREAM or todash or something!
I still don't think Roland will die before setting foot inside the Tower (forget everything else, I want to know what happens in that fucking place he's refused to reveal until the very end more than anything) least one of the main characters is going to get killed off, he's been delaying the inevitable for too long and putting as much suspense into the final volume as possible. As for Mordred, he'll cause some damage, but likely won't fulfill the prophecy of her delusional mother.
whatever, they're going to get to the top of the tower and in the room will be stephen king sitting on a huge pile of money torturing george lucas and that dude who hit him with the van.