Alex Leaves Cob Wtf!


Sep 4, 2002
Visit site
Alexander is not a member of COB anymore. This was written by Alexi on the official Children of Bodom site:

So...unfortunately it is true that Alexander is no longer part of the Hatecrew, and we just wanted to make the point clear that there is absolutely no bad blood between us, what so ever. We really try not to make a big deal out of this, and since it`s not our place to talk about Alexander`s personal affairs, we have to be brief about this. Alexander realized he couldn`t take this constant touring life anymore and felt that he was holding us back by not enjoy doing this anymore and that it was better for him to bail out than not giving the whole 100% and making himself unhappy. His exact words to me were ”It`s not fair to me, to you, or to our fans to pull an act in front of you all and just do it for money” We understand that some of you might feel that it`s not COB without him, and it is true that he was a huge part of us just like every other member, but we hope that YOU understand that this has not been easy for us, but, god damn, we will carry on with a new guy(which we`ll let you know about later),cuz after all, the fact is: CHILREN OF BODOM AIN`T READY TO FUCKING DIE YET!

-Alexi Laiho

hahahaha!!!!! funny thing... yeah, a coma... or he lived on a biiiiigggg mountain with noone around him, just he and his long, long beard, which has grown over the years.. and now he's back into civilization...imagine the shock... you come home after years and recognize that your favourite band lost a member! oh my goodness! So forgive him! :)
while you were gone, president bush attacked a nation, saddam hussein is no longer the leader of iraq, and two big ass planes flew into the world trade center.

and can somebody tell me why he lists as the official site