Alexi Guitar Squeal


Aug 16, 2005
Tokyo, Japan
hi umm i want to know how Alexi does that really high pitch squeal with his tremolo..ive been trying but cant figure out..does anyone know how to?
i know..but where on fretboard do i sound harmonic?..maybe i sound harmonic..with whammy bar down..and then pull up??...*confused*
Yeah, you can play a harmonic anywhere on the fret board, but there are certain "sweet spots" that sound harmonics better than other. For natural harmonics there are some good ones around the 2nd fret.
Thats really good for teaching someone that technique.
I can't do it though, I flick the string and drop the bar, then when I let it up and fret a harmonic, the note dies. But then again my amp sucks, my pickups suck and the effects box I though isn't the best thing in the world.
wow dude.. your amp/pickups must suck really bad then cos I can do it with clean sound.. sounds pretty sweet too :)
Lake_Laiho said:
wow dude.. your amp/pickups must suck really bad then cos I can do it with clean sound.. sounds pretty sweet too :)

That's pretty cool, maybe it's just me then.
I usually just do the same thing but instead of sounding the note by flicking a string, I just pick any string and fret and harmonic, usually works.
<-Warheart-> said:
That's pretty cool, maybe it's just me then.
I usually just do the same thing but instead of sounding the note by flicking a string, I just pick any string and fret and harmonic, usually works.
that works too.. try and do the natural harmonic on the 15th fret, g string... that usually works the best..l :)
Lobo said:
jeje hai..that's right..hard for me to do it.small hands..:(

hey, i find it easiest to do them on the 3rd fret, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12... wherever the inlay is on the G string. For some reason, the G string feels like its the easiest to to it with.

But, it really doesn't matter where you do it, its really about how you do it. You have to hit the string with your pick, and right after (pretty much at the exact same time), as fast as you can, use your thumb of your picking had to tap the string like you would a regular harmonic. Its easiest to do this by letting your thumb hang a bit over the pick, you you an angle the pick in a way where you have to hit the string with your pick and thumb at almost the same exact time.

Young Guitar has a lot of videos where Alexi does it during exercises, try and find one where they do a close up on his picking had. those videos should help a lot.

Good luck!
I catch the string with my RIng finger actualy, it works well for me. I really suck at it though, and my amp is shit. Also when i broke my finger I kept tryign to do them and that hurt alot.
In Your Face said:
But, it really doesn't matter where you do it, its really about how you do it. You have to hit the string with your pick, and right after (pretty much at the exact same time), as fast as you can, use your thumb of your picking had to tap the string like you would a regular harmonic. Its easiest to do this by letting your thumb hang a bit over the pick, you you an angle the pick in a way where you have to hit the string with your pick and thumb at almost the same exact time.

That's pretty much the opposite of how you do it.
You don't need to pick the string, and you dont need to use your thumb at all.

Watch the Dimebag video to see how it's done in a different way. :headbang: