Alexi LTD 600 vs RR5

Elysian893 said:
no it doesn't, you're fucking blind. or just stupid, or both.
lol ok chill out, i said roughly the same shape,not exactly. I was just checking if that was the same one as i saw you post a long time ago.
I like that new paint job btw, it looks killer
bump,come one poeple I know more of you have been saying that it sux and stuff but does anyone actually have any support to your arguments.
Feel_The_Force said:
I'm thinking of buying a Washburn

I'm thinking of selling the 2004 Ibanez RG220 I have for a 1987 Washburn X model. Original floyd rose, different headstock from what the washburn ones look like now, 24 frets, set neck, awesome feeling neck where i don't hit the locking nut with my hand when I try to play at the 1st and 2nd frets, and the scale feels the same as the ESP I have, which is more comfortable, all the parts are there for $299. I paid 249 for the Ibanez, hopefully I can get most of it back from someone or a store.
Rock Hydra said:
I'm thinking of selling the 2004 Ibanez RG220 I have for a 1987 Washburn X model. Original floyd rose, different headstock from what the washburn ones look like now, 24 frets, set neck, awesome feeling neck where i don't hit the locking nut with my hand when I try to play at the 1st and 2nd frets, and the scale feels the same as the ESP I have, which is more comfortable, all the parts are there for $299. I paid 249 for the Ibanez, hopefully I can get most of it back from someone or a store.

I was thinking of buying the new Washburn X50-Pro-FE with EMG's and set neck and shit, but the only thing putting me off is the lack of fret markings, does the X-50 you want to buy have the same problem, or doesn't it bother you?
Feel_The_Force said:
I was thinking of buying the new Washburn X50-Pro-FE with EMG's and set neck and shit, but the only thing putting me off is the lack of fret markings, does the X-50 you want to buy have the same problem, or doesn't it bother you?

sorry about that, I just did some research it's a Washburn RS 980. It's the only one that I found with a HSH setup, so that must be it. This was an 800 dollar guitar new it seems, If everything seems to go good, I think I'll snatch that guitar up quick before it's gone. This is the pic of what it looks like except the one at the shop is all black with chrome hardware. Fucking SEXZOR! The headstock reminds me of an esp bent at the angle of jackson headstocks, pretty wild..
