Jackson RR1T V.S. LTD Ninja 600 V.S. Jackson RR Stars

That doesn't make the SV bad (even though I would prefer the Jackson, cos the dots in the SV make me :erk: + I don't want neck p-up).
But Mitch's atm is just Laiho's old one, he even has sticker, :lol:
yeah well i tried to buy it and he didnt even fucking call me back or anything, and then i decided i didnt want a frankenstein guitar anyways, and how the fuck are you supposed to get up to the 24th fret?

1 - How often have you used the 24th fret since you got your guitar? 3, maybe 4 times? It's a fucking novelty for metal heads, and that's about it. no real guitar player ever uses that fret, ever. look at satch, yngwie, santana, and the like.

2 - If you can't reach it because your 12 year old hands are the size of an infants, that's your own problem. Use a lower octave, no one who listens is going to give a shit, and will actually think you are a better player for being able to transpose something like that on the fly.
yeah i have small fingers, so i have a bit of trouble, but i can still get it if i get a decent grip on the heel. Then again i never use that fret, so i never have to be gripping the heel like that.
I do too have really short fingers but to not reach up to that fret would need for you to have minuscule fingers :p Yeah and it's actually rare to use the 24th fret although i do use it alot...in arpeggios mostly i do use it.
That doesn't make the SV bad (even though I would prefer the Jackson, cos the dots in the SV make me :erk: + I don't want neck p-up).
But Mitch's atm is just Laiho's old one, he even has sticker, :lol:

i dont mind the dots (they are Mother of pearl BTW), the neck pickup i would sue for clean and sweeping- and the build quality pwns the RR24.

Hmm, maye Mitch is a bit biased toward the Stars, i mean its jackson so its gonna rule, but they are of worse quality than the USA jackson and esp are on a par with the us. jacksons