alexi the failure

dude, that was supposed to happen, I have that concert on a video on my computer. What he did was swing his guitar around, bounced it off his side, then continued playing
lol yeah seen it before. Still you gotta admit he plays it off pretty well. I can sorta relate though I mean:

small guy+ relatively big guitar + throwing guitar = trouble. :lol:
He might have f**ked up there, but he pulled the rest off like it was planned. But seriously, if someone f**ks up, move on, it's not good to keep looking back on it
yeah I have that Video on Winamp...I got stoned and watched it for like 5 minutes straight lauging my ass off each time.

WHen i do see bodom live its WICKED how they do taht shit, very good showmanship.

:lol: and +1 about AYDY:D
alexi has fucked that up so many times, its beyond funny. out of 4 times seeing them live, he has pulled it off once :lol: and even then it was sloppy as hell and he almost gave himself a concusion doing it.
Bodom After Breakfast said:
Yeah, when COB was sounding really good? (Something Wild is my favorite album)

Haha that music video is fucked up. I think the worst music video is Needled 24/7. Alexi did that swing at the concert I was at, but I didn't see it. My friend did. Hey, If I could easily throw away 3000$ I'd start swinging my guitar around too.