Alexi Laiho DR Commercial

Rock Hydra said:
Hmm...Pussy? I don't know....IMO it's jut not necessary to have strings that thick. Though....I use 11-50s throughout my tunings. from Drop C - Standard and they work well enough. I don't know what's pussy about it. :rolleyes:

its much more tr00 and cool to play thick ass strings, for one. For two. I said the size wrong, they're actually 12-56, so now its even troo'er. For 3, thin strings are for toneless bags of toneless crap tone. Duh. This is an age old fact.

imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
your pretty cool. you must have alot of friends.

You must have a miniscule reproductive organ, to match your miniscule intellect, and to go along with your miniscule grasp of humor.

Clearly, I was joking ;)

Thanks for missing the sarcasm boat, you all really make me depressed about being the same species as you. :ill:


I do play 12-56 in D though. Great string gauge, lots of tone, and great for pinch harmonics, the thicker the string, the more fat you get out of it.
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
:danceboy:i did your mother:danceboy:


*cuts self, bleeds to death, decomposes*

Lets get off moms, allright, I got off your grandmother.

Oh. Smokin.
FearTheMullet said:
its much more tr00 and cool to play thick ass strings, for one. For two. I said the size wrong, they're actually 12-56, so now its even troo'er. For 3, thin strings are for toneless bags of toneless crap tone. Duh. This is an age old fact.

You must have a miniscule reproductive organ, to match your miniscule intellect, and to go along with your miniscule grasp of humor.

Clearly, I was joking ;)

Thanks for missing the sarcasm boat, you all really make me depressed about being the same species as you. :ill:


I do play 12-56 in D though. Great string gauge, lots of tone, and great for pinch harmonics, the thicker the string, the more fat you get out of it.

okay, first off... clearly he was being saracastic to you, so i guess your the dumbass..

second, 12-56 is something a fucken newb ass guitar player would use, because that would slow down like a mother fucker. So unless your some faggot ass rhythm player, i wouldnt go around braging about that.
FearTheMullet said:
11-50? whata pussy.

When i play in D standard, I used 12-54.

So string gauge is the new internet penis thing?

Hell i use 09-46 when playing in E. and i've been sticking to it for 9 years.
11-50 is great for D tuning imo, but then again it's all about what you're used to.

I' got 2 inches of heavy metal right here baby.
War_Blade said:
okay, first off... clearly he was being saracastic to you, so i guess your the dumbass..

second, 12-56 is something a fucken newb ass guitar player would use, because that would slow down like a mother fucker. So unless your some faggot ass rhythm player, i wouldnt go around braging about that.

Oh you stupid little cunt, is that a challenge?

I've got more "chops" in my pinky then you probabbly have with 8 finger tapping.

Also, you dickless fucking wonder, John Petrucci hismelf uses this gauge when playing songs off of Train of Thought. How about you learn to fucking play guitar first, before you call on someone string guage you moron.
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
ew you did? dude shes really ugly and old. and i might add shes dead. :ill: have fun cleaning the maggots off your dick. :p
As long as you enjoy your HIV. :D
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
so your mom had HIV then gave birth to you... so your an HIV baby... dude im so sorry.:waah:

No she gave birth to me, then contracted HIV male prostitute. Duh.
madsanta said:

Do you know.. You are annoying... All retards like you, searching in the i-net to find more and more defects, shorcomings of actually in this situatuion ALEXI. As a musician.
Why don't you just listen to the music and leave him alone? He is a person. He is human. He has his own defects, and he knows it. But he doesn't care about it. He doesn't give a fuck maybe. Maybe...
FearTheMullet said:
Oh you stupid little cunt, is that a challenge?

I've got more "chops" in my pinky then you probabbly have with 8 finger tapping.

Also, you dickless fucking wonder, John Petrucci hismelf uses this gauge when playing songs off of Train of Thought. How about you learn to fucking play guitar first, before you call on someone string guage you moron.

John Petrucci is the most overrated guitarist besides zack wylde and dimebag... Look at his g3 tour. Vai and Satch run him over!

I could pwn your ass any day of the week, but ill stop having this little bitch fight after this post, because i know your just going to comeback with some lame as threat or something.

so why dont you pull the dick outta your ass next time you post, moron...
I imagine 9-42's don't sound so good for D standard. Probably sounds very tinny on the high end and thin on the low end. My recommendation is that you really should be using at least 11's.

I use 9-46 for E standard, 10-52 for Eb, and 11-54 for D... but hey, that's just me.

Mm, he has probably figured that out after 2,5 years ...
I imagine 9-42's don't sound so good for D standard. Probably sounds very tinny on the high end and thin on the low end. My recommendation is that you really should be using at least 11's.

I use 9-46 for E standard, 10-52 for Eb, and 11-54 for D... but hey, that's just me.