Alexi would be proud of you...

If you don't know what the hell I mean, this was originally posted by K_of_London!!!

Does anybody want to join a london based Metal band in sept. ?

Me, and my mate Dany ( who occasionally posts as Dany Metal ) have formed a band. we're guitarists ( suprising yes ? ) , Im better at lead, hes more of a songwriter

we're both mad on iron maiden, I love children of bodom too ...

we want to play Metal basically, not nu metal,

Dany has a brother who lives in spain, who is a brilliant double kick drummer, but if he moves to london i won't be until 2003

we need a bass player, preferably a fat guy with a beard ( come on, you know a band needs a guy like that, think of children of bodom or fear factory )

a powerful vocalist, with a good range. Female vocals are most welcome, we love Sinergy, and their singer kimberly rules. If you're a bloke Ralf scheepers is the sort of guy we're after

a double kick drummer - presicion and equipment is all we ask for/ we're not certian dany's brother is coming, so there is a vacancy

we've written quite a few songs already, and Im really excited by the way thinkgs have turned out, and i think it's a miracle I'm not just playing covers, and actually writing stuff myself

if you're interested let me know.

we don't care what sex you are, or whether you're a fat guy or not