Alexi's Weird Tremelo Noise

lol I was waiting for a joke regarding ladies underwear.

omg alexi dropped his g-string. wouldnt suprise me.
not amused.... you cant insult omgAlexi!! he's so great and so. its not funny, i'm honest!!!

the intro to that vid sounds like a clown song or something. Somebody want in tune
well i beg you not to swear me but i really know shit about guitars and im really curious to know whats cricket , whamy bar and harmonic squeal
Actually....I'm wondering how how to get the techniquie down for the whammy bar that he gets the sounds in the song Kissing the Shadows. I can't get that sound to come out right, and I'm not sure if I'm just doing it wrong or I need practice. I just need like a second opinion or something.

Here's a link to the audio file:

The first one I think is a harmonic and I think he pushes the bar up with fast wide vibrato to make that sound.

The second sounds like a dip then a hammer-on, which I think I got, but...the warbling sound at the end...but I can't reproduce it.