Alice in Chains- A Looking in View

I never insinuated it was. However, he lost his friend, a founding member and the face of the band. In addition, half the songs were about Layne. I've always had a world of respect for Plant for putting Zeppelin to bed after the passing of Bohnam. Jerry should have followed suit.

You've merely chosen the exception that proves the rule.

It's relevant to his intentions.

Yeah... like anyone cares who the other two guys are. 99% of the people who will show up to these shows wouldn't even notice if Jerry replaced the rhythm section.

He can make whatever music he wishes. If he hooked up with a talented singer who was completely different from Layne, I'd be curious to hear it. This is a move to replenish his 401K.

Come on... he's a clone.


Irregardless if AC/DC is the exception, there is still an exception to your "rule", thus proving a band can go on. I'm sure in 1980 there were Zod's going "It's not AC/DC without Bon".

I care who's in the band. And would not show up if it wasn't the other guys, just like I don't show up for G n R and Megadeth shows. While it is true that a lot people might not care who's in the band, your point is moot because it is the guys who were in the band.

Duvall is not a clone. He has been touring with Jerry BEFORE Layne died. No one made a big deal of who he was until they started doing shows under the Alice name.
Irregardless if AC/DC is the exception, there is still an exception to your "rule", thus proving a band can go on.
Actually... it's the exception that proves the rule.

I'm sure in 1980 there were Zod's going "It's not AC/DC without Bon".
There can be only one. :loco:

I care who's in the band.
Then you're in that 1%.

No one made a big deal of who he was until they started doing shows under the Alice name.
Exactly. Jerry can make music with whoever he likes. However, as soon as he calls it AiC, it becomes an insult to Layne's memory.

I really don't see how the new guy is a Layne clone.
...however, with respect to him being a clone, I guess I don't hear even a remote resemblance to Layne in his previous work.
Duvall is not a clone.
My clone comment was based on a few AiC covers I heard him do, not this song. I haven't heard this song and have no interest in hearing this song.

Look... to each their own. Some people like steak, some like chicken. Some people like having sex with chickens. Some people like bastardized versions of Alice in Chains. Am I saying that everyone who likes this song probably also likes to have sex with chickens? No... not explicitly. :loco:

I was not looking forward to this, I was not in agreement to the hows and whys that brought AIC back to the party, and I lost respect for Cantrell when I heard the new AIC was touring. So now that the new music has arrived, I am left with a dilemma...How can I NOT buy this??? This is classic AIC minus one dead junkie! The song they've put out there is top rate, and I for one believe that it was the right thing to do now that I hear it.
Ever notice how when one's musical interest start to diversify that person hears more mediocrity in the genre they used to enjoy the most?

I think Einstein describe it as the "Theory of Suckitudity."
There's some truth to that, but when I said that quote in question I was thinking of the new AIC tune, and also that Steel Parody disc that everyone was jizzin' about. Neither of those two fall into the prog and power genres that are my favorites. They fall into genres of things I once liked.

Ever notice how when one's musical interest start to diversify that person hears more mediocrity in the genre they used to enjoy the most?
True... but perhaps it's a chicken/egg thing. Did the consistent mediocrity push the listener to seek out something different or does the old style now sound mediocre by comparison?

I still listen to a good deal of Power and Prog Metal. However, I have no patience with even the middle tier acts. The bands that continue to interest me are the elite bands, like Redemption, Pagan's Mind, Circus Maximus, etc. I've been listening to this genre too long to find anything compelling about the bands who are walking a well beaten path. I've been there and done that.

I think Einstein describe it as the "Theory of Suckitudity."

With respect to Crue, Corabi SMOKES Vince Neil, and the most entertaining (and enduring) thing to result from the "Shout" recordings is the Nikki Sixx versus Tom Werman pissing contest via the Internets.

Oh, and I don't care how much people still love "Back in Black"...having to suffer through nearly THREE DECADES of Brian Johnson screeching and wheezing his way through the Bon Scott-era tunes was a hell of a price to pay for that one album.

Amen Brotha!
Sorry Zod - ordinarily, I would agree with you on letting (most) bands die when a significant member is gone, but once in a rare while they can pick it back up and rock the fuck out again - and at least based on this one song, AIC did the job.
My clone comment was based on a few AiC covers I heard him do, not this song. I haven't heard this song and have no interest in hearing this song.

Look... to each their own. Some people like steak, some like chicken. Some people like having sex with chickens. Some people like bastardized versions of Alice in Chains. Am I saying that everyone who likes this song probably also likes to have sex with chickens? No... not explicitly. :loco:


I was actually agreeing with you, but I guess I worded it poorly :lol:. When I said "I guess I don't hear even a remote resemblance to Layne in his previous work", I meant this:

When I listen through some of these tunes, I don't hear any resemblance to Layne; when I listen to the link posted by Glenn, I do hear a strong resemblance to Layne...ergo, he's a clone (but it's still better than having someone like Brian Johnson singing it, who sounds like a rhesus monkey taking a shit).
When I listen through some of these tunes, I don't hear any resemblance to Layne; when I listen to the link posted by Glenn, I do hear a strong resemblance to Layne...ergo, he's a clone

I bet that *anyone* singing Alice in Chains songs (from Dio, to Andre Matos, to Roy Khan) would sound like a "Layne clone", simply because they'd be singing "The Alice in Chains Harmony (tm)" along with Jerry/themselves. That sound is so unique and attention-grabbing that it dominates and buries the particular sound of the lead singer's voice.

The fact that you say Duvall doesn't sound like Layne to you on his other band's stuff (I haven't listened myself yet) would seem to confirm that theory.

Count me as one who has absolutely no problem with these guys doing what they want, but I didn't find the song that impressive. Too much sludge, not enough hooks (though 'Jar of Flies' is my favorite AiC, so that's to be expected).

Sorry Zod - ordinarily, I would agree with you on letting (most) bands die when a significant member is gone, but once in a rare while they can pick it back up and rock the fuck out again - and at least based on this one song, AIC did the job.
The quality isn't really the issue for me.

To me, the very idea lacks integrity. The vocals will either be the same, which makes the singer a clone, or different, which means it no longer sounds like AiC. Either way, it's an epic fail. If what Jerry wants to do is make music, then make music. However, the only reason to use the AiC monikor is to maximize revenues. That's bad enough. However, by moving forward under this monikor, simply to make money, he's disrespecting his fallen bandmate. I have even less respect for that. As I said, to each his own.

There's no revolution ... just lots of mediocrity getting lots of hype around here these days. ;)

I gave the song a good honest listen .. thought it waned around the four minute mark.


Boy, you got that right. It befuddles me sometimes at some of the crap elevated to godlike status lately.

AIC have been irrelevant (and running on 3 legs:rolleyes:) since the crappy S/T effort before Staley's death, let alone posthumously.
I like it and I'm glad they are back. I know there are opinions on whether or not a band should move on after the singer's death (Bon from AC/DC, Ronnie from Skynyrd, Freddie from Queen, Layne from AIC). IMO I think Brian from AC/DC is better and I have no problem with William from AIC, Paul with Queen or Johnny from Skynyrd. I think that the singer's that passed away would have wanted the bands to move forward.
Your view points always make me stop and think. I may disagree, but I can understand your view. However, this is one of the rare times where I you and I disagree 100%.
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised to find myself amongst the minority on this one. And I'm surprised you and I are at polar opposites on this one. As I said, the singer either sounds like Layne, which is lame, or doesn't, which means it doesn't sound like AiC. I'm not sure how either of those scenarios is desirable.
