Alice in Chains- A Looking in View

It's not your opinion of the vocalist or even the music itself that I disagree with so strongly. I like the song, but musical opinions are simply that to me.

However, the only reason to use the AiC monikor is to maximize revenues. That's bad enough. However, by moving forward under this monikor, simply to make money, he's disrespecting his fallen bandmate.

This is what I do not agree with at all. Jerry wrote all the music, 1/2 the lyrics, and his harmonies were what arguably pushed them to a further unique status back in the day. Layne was an integral part of the band as co-lyricist and vocalist, but he was not Alice in Chains. Jerry and the band earned the name just as much as Layne did. Why should they give up potential profits in this day of shitty musical revenues if they busted their ass for over a decade on something. It wasn't their fault Layne was a junkie.
Exactly. Jerry can make music with whoever he likes. However, as soon as he calls it AiC, it becomes an insult to Layne's memory.


I disagree. He can call it AiC as it was his band and the other guys band. But it doesn't matter if he calls it AiC, The Jerry Cantrell Band, or the Son of Jorel fucks chickens band. :p It's just good to hear them playing again.

I bet that *anyone* singing Alice in Chains songs (from Dio, to Andre Matos, to Roy Khan) would sound like a "Layne clone", simply because they'd be singing "The Alice in Chains Harmony (tm)" along with Jerry/themselves. That sound is so unique and attention-grabbing that it dominates and buries the particular sound of the lead singer's voice.

The fact that you say Duvall doesn't sound like Layne to you on his other band's stuff (I haven't listened myself yet) would seem to confirm that theory.


Great points. It seems to be forgotten that Jerry's vocals are a big part of that band, and like you say, just about anyone harmonizing with him will often sound like Layne singing with him.

It's not your opinion of the vocalist or even the music itself that I disagree with so strongly. I like the song, but musical opinions are simply that to me.

This is what I do not agree with at all. Jerry wrote all the music, 1/2 the lyrics, and his harmonies were what arguably pushed them to a further unique status back in the day. Layne was an integral part of the band as co-lyricist and vocalist, but he was not Alice in Chains. Jerry and the band earned the name just as much as Layne did. Why should they give up potential profits in this day of shitty musical revenues if they busted their ass for over a decade on something. It wasn't their fault Layne was a junkie.

Agree completely.
What about after Criss Oliva was killed? Was it disrespect to continue calling the band Savatage when he was gone?
It's not your opinion of the vocalist or even the music itself that I disagree with so strongly. I like the song, but musical opinions are simply that to me.

This is what I do not agree with at all. Jerry wrote all the music, 1/2 the lyrics, and his harmonies were what arguably pushed them to a further unique status back in the day. Layne was an integral part of the band as co-lyricist and vocalist, but he was not Alice in Chains.
I agree, he was not Alice in Chains. However, he was the face and the voice of the band. He also appeared to be the primary subject matter of their lyrics. To change the face and the voice after a tragedy for the sake of money, in my opinion, is lame. In addition, I hold seminal bands to a different standard. The legend of Alice in Chains should have been left to grow, untainted.

Why should they give up potential profits in this day of shitty musical revenues if they busted their ass for over a decade on something. It wasn't their fault Layne was a junkie.
In the end, Jerry owns the name and may do with it as he pleases. He'll be just fine without my $12. However, if we can agree that what he's doing is driven by money and not art, than it's just a matter of whether we find that distasteful or not.

What about after Criss Oliva was killed? Was it disrespect to continue calling the band Savatage when he was gone?
Normally, I would say yes. However, that was Jon's brother and I'm not going to pass judgement on how Jon thought it best to honor Chris' memory.

I think that Jerry wanted to continue to play AiC material, but not as a 'solo' band. He also wanted to write more AiC songs, and not his solo style. I have a hard time with it too, but I'm going to listen to it.

This song was pretty good. Not as catchy as some of AiC's best moments.
If AC/DC had stopped after Highway to Hell we wouldn't have got Back in Black.

Don't forget Van Halen & Black Sabbath. 5150 was a killer album release with Hagar. There would be no Heaven & Hell without Dio. I'm sure there are others out there as well, it doesn't even have to be a singer that was replaced. People will feel as strongly with any other band members being replaced (Kiss, Ozzy, Spinal Tap :loco:).
This is what I do not agree with at all. Jerry wrote all the music, 1/2 the lyrics, and his harmonies were what arguably pushed them to a further unique status back in the day. Layne was an integral part of the band as co-lyricist and vocalist, but he was not Alice in Chains. Jerry and the band earned the name just as much as Layne did. Why should they give up potential profits in this day of shitty musical revenues if they busted their ass for over a decade on something. It wasn't their fault Layne was a junkie.

I have to say that I agree with both Zod and Glenn in different respects. When I first heard that Cantrell was going to do the AiC tour as AiC with Duvall singing, I thought it was a horrid thing to do the memory of Layne. I too said many times that AiC is not AiC without Layne singing. However, what Glenn says is true as well. By the time the S/T came out, Jerry was the primary songwriter and vocalist. And the harmonies between both Jerry and Layne are all Jerry's. Layne was a junkie (RIP), and he wasn't really a huge contribution to the musical direction of the band by this time.

With that said, I have purchased the song from iTunes, and I do think that it is a quality AiC song. It may be a little lengthy, but it is still a good AiC song. I am probably going to go see them when they come to Chicago, but I guess it is more out of curiosity than anything. Part of me believes this is the right thing to do for the memory of Layne.

And then part of me just wants to scream that he is using the AiC name. It goes back to the same argument for GnR, AC/DC, Van Halen, or any other band who has replaced a band member. I think "Chinese Democracy" is a great record, but I also believe that it should have been called "The W. Axl Rose Band" and not GnR.

Also, I wouldn't exactly say that Cantrell's solo efforts were a complete failure! "Boggy Depot" was a great album, as was "Degradation Trip." The quality was there, but there was no money from the record label for promotion, touring, etc. I saw him open up for Metallica many years ago and he was amazing.

It's hard to pick one side or the other (at least in my case). And I think that this is probably an argument that is never-ending, and as I told Met-Al this morning, it is one with no right or wrong answer.

Let us all remember what opinions are like...

P.S. And I know Met-Al is going to give me crap for posting from work, but what do you want? It's the day before a holiday weekend. I'm bored!!
If there was ever a clone singer it's got to be the dude that replaced Steve Perry in Journey.I'm not sure if he's still with them but when I heard Open Arms by this guy,I was shocked.I've never heard someone be DEAD ON like that to a previous singer.We all know Ripper can sing Judas Priest in his sleep,but you can still tell it's not Rob.The same goes with most bands that try and clone the previous singer.That Journey guy was just plain freaky though......
David Lee Roth and Ozzy didn't die.

It's not solely about swapping singers out. Hell, my favorite CD of 2004 was "The Glorious Burden" by Iced Earth, even though my favorite singer had just left the band.


Well.. Ozzy could be in question :loco:. My point was replacements happen, dead or not. A lot of them, regardless of anyone's personal opinions, are very successful.
If there was ever a clone singer it's got to be the dude that replaced Steve Perry in Journey.I'm not sure if he's still with them but when I heard Open Arms by this guy,I was shocked.I've never heard someone be DEAD ON like that to a previous singer.We all know Ripper can sing Judas Priest in his sleep,but you can still tell it's not Rob.The same goes with most bands that try and clone the previous singer.That Journey guy was just plain freaky though......

I still think Jeff Scott Soto would have been better for the band and us. All the reviews he got were stellar as he took over on tour. A different voice might have been the start of something special.
So some of you are having this silly teenage girl angst issue with the fact that three living members of the band would dare to continue on and still have the gaul to keep the band name the same? I saw the new AIC band live, and the evil clone sounded amazing. Sorry, but there is just as much talent there as when the dead junkie was singing. Feel free to cut yourself before your Layne shrine, but I am more than happy to have AiC back in whatever form they decide. Besides, last time I checked it was their f'n band.
Ok here's an example of a singer who had passed away and was "replaced" (and I use that term very loosely).

The Doors.

Yes, they altered their name, but when Ian Astbury stepped in, it was pretty damn impressive. Also it had to be one of the best performances I've ever seen live. No Densmore either. Robbie, Ray and Ian put on a hell of a show. Did he sound like Morrison? At times, yes, spot on, but it wasn't like he was trying to imitate Jim (I think it comes naturally for those of you who have seen the Cult perform live) just trying to put on a good show.

Most of the time he would step back to the drum riser and "out of the spotlight" so to speak. Sometimes it seemed he was very intimidated by being on stage with them, but that could be my lone observation.

It's my understanding that for whatever reason Densmore didn't want Ian in the band and stated if they wanted him behind the kit Ian had to go. I have no idea who, if anyone, is singing with them now.

3/4 remaining guys in the band still want to play music, I see no problems with them doing so. They even played a Morrison penned tune that was never recorded at the show. Wasn't bad.

I was just trying to further rile up the 3 post newb that posted before me ... figured that would elicit an interesting response. Oh well .. thanks for ruining my fun ;)

When I read that post I was reminded of the Queensryche fans of old that would come out of the woodwork when someone would criticize their favorite band.

I was just trying to further rile up the 3 post newb that posted before me ... figured that would elicit an interesting response. Oh well .. thanks for ruining my fun ;)

When I read that post I was reminded of the Queensryche fans of old that would come out of the woodwork when someone would criticize their favorite band.


Oh look, its another internet message board veteran. What a warrior you are with your long distinguished record of posting on the Internet. takes a special kind of insecure poindexter to make that point. The same kind of kook that uses little boy speak like "newb" and ";)".

Can't wait to buy the new AiC.
Oh look, its another internet message board veteran. What a warrior you are with your long distinguished record of posting on the Internet. takes a special kind of insecure poindexter to make that point. The same kind of kook that uses little boy speak like "newb" and ";)".

Can't wait to buy the new AiC.
Maybe I pegged you wrong ... just figured you were an old school AIC fan who didn't take too well to people having anything negative to say about one of your all time favorites. It just seemed from that first post of yours that you were taking the criticism a bit personally.

I liked them back in the day as well ... just didn't find this song all that appealing. I don't think it's anywhere up to the level of their top stuff, and thought it seemed a clonish and boring.

Oh well .. hopefully the disc will be worthy of your cash.
