Alice In Chains

AIC is an amazing band! Nirvana is very overrated, they had some ok songs but nowhere near as great as AIC. Layne was a much better vocalist than Cobain, you can't really even understand what Cobain is saying. It's just mumbling to me.
Cobain could write some catchy hard pop stuff and that is all, not an annoying singer, but still very mediocre and overrated. Btw, Rain when i die features Staley's greatest vocal performance imo, fucking amazing song
AIC was pretty much the only grunge band that appealed to me back then, their sound being much heavier than other bands in the genre. Actually, when I went from mc and lp to the cd thing, 'Dirt' was one of the first cds to enter my cd player...
Ten by Pearl Jam is possibly my favourite "road cd". I always have it with me when im travelling, no matter what country. It's just so fucking awesome.
:lol: Wow, I find all these negative comments on Nirvana absolutely hilarious. I'm sorry, but damn...

Kurt Cobain will be remembered (the voice of a generation - his vocals gave me the chills)...eternally. Staley? Forgotten...

Nevermind will go down in history as being one of the single, greatest rock albums ever recorded. In all this Nirvana negativity, somebody here has to acknowledge the truth.
+1 kinda...I went to the seattle area in the summer of '90 to work just as AIC and Nirvana were comming up but before they were famous...I'd spent most of the 80's listening to various metal as well as new age, jazz, progressive and rock...I remember hearing both bands early before they were popular and thinking wow...I need to move here!...beautiful area to boot!!!
AIC is one of the greatest bands ever. The 90's would have been quite a bit less interesting if AIC had never formed.

Alice In Chains and Soungarden. Two of my favorite bands of the 90's.
Whoever said Layne Staley was forgotten? What an idiot, I can't believe how ignorant you are. Just because you don't like a singer, that doesn't mean he is forgotten. You have no idea what you are talking about. I forgot Cobain when he was alive, but Layne Staley lives on in my mind.
Hey, I wasn't referring to the fact that Staley is forgotten as of right now. But like it or not, there is no way in hell he made as big of an impact on the music scene as Kurt Cobain did. I mean, AIC was just your typical band - like the bands coming out now. They had good songs, even great songs...but I doubt people will be looking back on the music and thinking, "wow, that changed my life." Ignorant? I don't think so. And did I say I disliked Staley? Heck no. I've always listened to AIC. I've read alot of hard-rock books and biographies to feel confident in the statements I make. I strongly believe Cobain will be remembered just as Lennon is remembered (and will be remembered for years to come), and he will go down in history as being an amazing songwriter. Cobain, in my honest opinion, was a genius. Bless his soul.

Nevermind was one of those classic, ground-breaking albums. It shaped rock as we know it. It's just one of those albums I know I'll be listening to until the day I die.

People may hate Nirvana...fine. But respect should be paid where it's due, because if it wasn't for Nirvana the music scene wouldn't have quite been the same.

And +10 to the one who mentioned "Drain You." That was Kurt's favourite song from Nevermind, and when Teen Spirit was slowly fading out for me, that is the song that became my new favourite. CLA-SSIC! Excellent song.

Slayer101: Well, that's good for you. Really, it is. But you know what? Not everyone liked The Beatles or Pink Floyd or even Led Zeppelin, either. But you cannot deny their impoact on the music scene. Nirvana perhaps wasn't quite in the same league as these bands, but not too far from it. Nevermind surely must have hit well over 30 million copies sold by now. There are some things you just cannot deny. I just hope you realize what I'm trying to say here.
You know, you're exactly right. And The New Kids on the Block will be remembered more than Jeff Buckley and probably affected hundreds of thousands more people (most of them dumb preteen girls). What exactly is your point? I like Nirvana, but your argument here is kind of reaching. I think most newer alternative bands sound far more like AIC or Pearl Jam than Nirvana. Nirvana was definitely more popular and stuff, and will be remembered in crappy rock history books far longer than AIC (probably), but what does it really matter?

Their best album was Bleach btw.
Originally posted by Alcapoth

Hey, I wasn't referring to the fact that Staley is forgotten as of right now. But like it or not, there is no way in hell he made as big of an impact on the music scene as Kurt Cobain did. I mean, AIC was just your typical band - like the bands coming out now. They had good songs, even great songs...but I doubt people will be looking back on the music and thinking, "wow, that changed my life." Ignorant? I don't think so. And did I say I disliked Staley? Heck no. I've always listened to AIC. I've read alot of hard-rock books and biographies to feel confident in the statements I make. I strongly believe Cobain will be remembered just as Lennon is remembered (and will be remembered for years to come), and he will go down in history as being an amazing songwriter. Cobain, in my honest opinion, was a genius. Bless his soul.

Nevermind was one of those classic, ground-breaking albums. It shaped rock as we know it. It's just one of those albums I know I'll be listening to until the day I die.

People may hate Nirvana...fine. But respect should be paid where it's due, because if it wasn't for Nirvana the music scene wouldn't have quite been the same.

And +10 to the one who mentioned "Drain You." That was Kurt's favourite song from Nevermind, and when Teen Spirit was slowly fading out for me, that is the song that became my new favourite. CLA-SSIC! Excellent song.

Slayer101: Well, that's good for you. Really, it is. But you know what? Not everyone liked The Beatles or Pink Floyd or even Led Zeppelin, either. But you cannot deny their impoact on the music scene. Nirvana perhaps wasn't quite in the same league as these bands, but not too far from it. Nevermind surely must have hit well over 30 million copies sold by now. There are some things you just cannot deny. I just hope you realize what I'm trying to say here.

Well you may be right, but I know a lot of people who absolutley hate Cobain. I don't hate him, I just think he is EXTREMELY overrated. I've never heard anything quite like AIC, I don't really know what you meant by "they are like bands that are coming out now". That is just not true IMO.
I've never heard anything quite like AIC, I don't really know what you meant by "they are like bands that are coming out now". That is just not true IMO.

Hehe, I must admit I should take that one back. The thing is, Alice in Chains is a damn good band, I don't know, I guess I felt the need to defend Nirvana. I can't stand those haters (and I'm talking about stating things like Nirvana flat-out sucks without any reasoning behind it.)

I mean heck, ALL the bands mentioned here are good. Not everyone will like Nirvana, and that's cool. Any band will have haters (and yes, I'm aware there's gonna be Cobain haters...but recently, I was in a conversation with some dude that actually flat-out said AIC sucked, and found myself in that moment defending AIC), but one must admit that Nevermind set the world on fire when it came out. Yeah, yeah...who cares, some may think. But for any band, it'd be quite an honour to have such recognition. I mean, who wouldn't want that kind of success?

Wankerness: Hehe, well...NKOTB had that one album going for, what was the name? And guess what? To this day no one is really talking about them (at least, from what I gather). They're pretty much as good as dead, hehe. As well, they were named worst group ever in Rolling Stone, while Nevermind had the exact opposite effect. Yeah, Britney sells records as well but will her albums be respected? Not a chance. Nothing new here. Ten years after Kurt's death, many are still interested in the man and his life. Who knows, some may argue it's because he is no longer alive. Eh, everyone will have an opinion.
And I do agree with doesn't matter. I just made that observation supporting the fact that Nirvana became so huge and well respected by the rock journalists. It may or may not matter to some. It all just depends on the individual and how you want to look at things.

Bleach, yes, is incredible (more of a metal album, fact, it may actually put some metal to shame based on the heavy factor - killer fucking riffs). I love all of Nirvana, but to me Nevermind was that perfect album of the nineties. It had charisma and charm...such an awesome sound. It takes me back to the good 'ol days.

What are people's thoughts on Sonic Youth or Mudhoney?

-_- I seriously gotta get out of the habit of writing so much.....