Alice In Chains

Not to sound like that guy, but if you weren't around to hear this album when it came out, you have no idea how hard it rocked. Several years of my life were defined by this album.
Yeah, I mostly agree with this. I'd say Dirt has been in my permanent Top 10 for decades. I was 13 when I first heard it, and back then as we all know, intense things are EVEN MORE INTENSE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW GUYS SRSLY. Except with Dirt I feel the same way years later, maybe even more so.

Back in the day I thought Facelift was okay, and I hated Tripod as I always thought it sounded so half-assed. I've finally grown to appreciate the latter, and oddly enough the former actually sounds pretty good! In a kind of retro schlock rock sort of way I guess?

The new stuff is okay. Not bad at all but completely forgettable. I adore Cantrell's second solo album, so god damn much <3 for the double disc version.
its not cryptic at all really. if youve been in a band before, you know how two people sometimes just have that musical connection. its almost impossible to jam with certain people, others arent on your level, and then other people connect with you so well that they know where you are going with a song before you do. lol they seemed to have had that kind of connection. everything they did was just so seamless, it just flowed. and you get the feeling that they are really in tune with each other.
Anyone can jam. You're absolutely incorrect.
The new stuff is okay. Not bad at all but completely forgettable.

I love their new stuff. It's still AiC...but different. Like that episode of Fraser where he's got a beard and Roz is wearing a wig and they almost get on with the slap and tickle because it's them, but it's not. Then again, AiC could probably come out with a track that matches 'Would?' musically but vocally it just couldn't touch what Lane would have done with it. I'm a fan.

I can't believe I started this thread before their last album came out. Time flies.
AiC could probably come out with a track that matches 'Would?' musically but vocally it just couldn't touch what Lane would have done with it.
There's something about it that just doesn't feel right. It' not the songwriting. The song is good. And I certainly can't blame Jerry for carrying on. I don't know... it just feels like cheating. It's the reason I didn't even listen to the last album. Perhaps I need to give the post-Layne era music a chance.
I love their new stuff. It's still AiC...but different. Like that episode of Fraser where he's got a beard and Roz is wearing a wig and they almost get on with the slap and tickle because it's them, but it's not. Then again, AiC could probably come out with a track that matches 'Would?' musically but vocally it just couldn't touch what Lane would have done with it. I'm a fan.
haha okay now THAT is a good comparison. Every time I revisit Black Gives Way to Blue I like it more and more, but once it's over... so am I. Does that make sense? Perfectly B- material, just not as nifty as the OG Gangsta stuff. I'll probably pick up the new one anyhow, why not?
There's something about it that just doesn't feel right. It' not the songwriting. The song is good. And I certainly can't blame Jerry for carrying on. I don't know... it just feels like cheating. It's the reason I didn't even listen to the last album. Perhaps I need to give the post-Layne era music a chance.
It really isn't bad. But I agree with you. I saw new singer dude with Cantrell in 2004ish and thought their version of Down in a Hole was stellar, but it doesn't quite excite me like old AiC. I mean even their average stuff still has some charm to it, like most of the stuff from Facelift.

I always always always say this, but Degradation Trip vols 1 & 2 are the only thing Cantrell did that comes close to Dirt. Nobody really paid attention to that one, even though I never shut up about it. :loco:

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention how fucking awesome Mad Season were. I didn't even pay attention at the time, but years later McCready and Staley were at their creative peak and, well they didn't make a masterpiece, but there's 4 or so songs on Above that are pretty god damn amazing. X-Ray Mind and Lifeless Dead? Like whoa man, killer stuff.

The lyrics to this song are worth all of the ehh moments of Facelift:

I grew up, went into rehab
You know the doctors never did me no good
They said son you're gonna be a new man
I said thank you very much and
Can I borrow fifty bucks?!

:lol: with some :erk: but really, mostly :kickass:

Clearly I could talk about these dudes all the fuckin' time. Some things are nostalgic, others are timeless.
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I was 13 when I first heard it, and back then as we all know, intense things are EVEN MORE INTENSE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW GUYS SRSLY. Except with Dirt I feel the same way years later, maybe even more so.

Absolutely this. I was only 8 when it came out, but I remember it giving me goosebumps then just as it does now. Jar of Flies is also a very memorable album for me. "Nutshell" makes me very emotional, both because of the power of the song itself, and the nostalgia I associate with it. Great, I'm listening to it now and about to cry. :loco:
Absolutely this. I was only 8 when it came out, but I remember it giving me goosebumps then just as it does now. Jar of Flies is also a very memorable album for me. "Nutshell" makes me very emotional, both because of the power of the song itself, and the nostalgia I associate with it. Great, I'm listening to it now and about to cry. :loco:

AIC = the one non-metal band we all can agree on???

I've been a HUGE fan since the 9th grade. They changed my life, man.

Although: Dirt + Jar of Flies = WAAAAAYYYYYYY better than any of their other releases. Sort of like Megadeth with Peace Sells + RIP.
Yeah they are/were definitely metal. Alice in Chains never cut their hair, therefore = metal.

Layne's short hair periods don't count because he was always quite the fashionable young lad.
Nirvana are homosexual. Sonic Youth has a girl. Soundgarden cut his hair. Dinosaur Junior though, he is absolutely metal.
I always always always say this, but Degradation Trip vols 1 & 2 are the only thing Cantrell did that comes close to Dirt. Nobody really paid attention to that one, even though I never shut up about it.
I fall into the category of people who didn't pay attention. I'll have to revisit.

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention how fucking awesome Mad Season were. I didn't even pay attention at the time, but years later McCready and Staley were at their creative peak and, well they didn't make a masterpiece, but there's 4 or so songs on Above that are pretty god damn amazing. X-Ray Mind and Lifeless Dead? Like whoa man, killer stuff.
I'll disagree here; Madseason is a masterpiece. It's a flawless disc from start to finish. As is the other one-off project this scene produced; Temple of the Dog. That album is one of the greatest vocal performances ever.

i don't agree that they are non-metal

certainly from time to time but i would overall call them a heavy metal band
This. When "Man in the Box" came out, it was played on the Metal station I listened to. All my Metalhead friends loved it, and no one ever speculated that it was some new sound or anything other than Metal. Same goes for Soundgarden. MTV and Spin dubbed it Grunge. To me it was just Metal.

And while on the topic, I seem to in the minority in that I always thought Facelift was every bit as good as Dirt. Completely different albums, that are equally good in their own right.

Oh, and one last thing... Nirvana sucks ass.
I should probably revisit Temple of the Dog. Heard that stuff on the radio back in the day, picked up all the associated bands instead of that, and didn't even hear that album until a few years ago. Didn't much care for it, nor Mother Love Bone which I also picked up around the same time.

Grunge is a stupid word, was then, is now. But if it is what one calls Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Alice in Chains, apparently I love grunge. I don't care for much outside those three bands these days. Other than:

Underrated and awesome dude in this whole scene is Mark Lanegan. I didn't even listen to his solo stuff until after I got into Queens of the Stone Age, but man-o-woman, The Winding Sheet, Whiskey for the Holy Ghost, and Bubblegum are fucking good god damn albums.
This. When "Man in the Box" came out, it was played on the Metal station I listened to. All my Metalhead friends loved it, and no one ever speculated that it was some new sound or anything other than Metal. Same goes for Soundgarden. MTV and Spin dubbed it Grunge. To me it was just Metal.

This. My brother recently told me he went to the 8/8/1990 Danzig gig with Corrosion of Conformity and Soundgarden opening. He said when C of C started playing they were like "get off the stage! Bring on Danzig!" and then Soundgarden came on and they were like "get off the sta - hey, this band is heavy as fuck!"
He said they didn't know anything about some kind of "grunge" bullshit...just new metal bands.