

Feb 26, 2003
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Maybe this has been covered before somewhere...but does anyone know why In Search of Truth is about aliens? Is it just a topic of interest? Do you know Carina?
When I first picked up the CD, I was a little skeptical about the subject matter, being firmly of the opinion that There Ain't No Such Thing (as alien abduction). But after listening a few times and paying attention to the lyrics, I came to the conclusion that it's not about aliens per se, but rather about someone's loneliness/depression/paranoia/delusions, which manifests as a belief that he's being abducted by aliens.

But that's just what I got out of it.
Yes as Saxiquine said I remember Tom saying that it's based on a book he read and that he thought it was a fascinating subject.

Saxiquine : Where were you on yesterday's DIO show? You missed a brilliant gig.

The concept of IN SEARCH OF TRUTH obviously, as anyone who has read the lyrics knows, revolves around aliens and alien abductions. You have written about aliens in past albums but have never made it a central concept for an album until now. I was wondering where do you get your inspiration to write about such things?

Tom: I read a book called COMMUNION by Whitley Strieber.

Yeah yeah I read that.

Tom: That book really affected me deeply and I think it's very sincere and honest book and no matter what you think about it serves as an introduction. This man believes he has been experiencing something in that way and that it's the most important thing that you got to think about. You know that he believes this all happened to him. So you gotta respect his ideas and cause for that. On this album I tend to reflect more on the personal level of him and try to reflect more on the emotional side of the character - his fears, sadness and all that.

What was the cause of the madness in the story line? Was it the aliens or was it the madness that led to the uncovering of the truth?

Tom: It was both actually. Mostly that nobody else believed him, not even his close family members and loved ones basically. When people close to you abandon you, you really don't have much left do you?

This whole alien conspiracy type of a story line has been very popular lately in pop culture. For example, things like the X-Files and stuff like that you've probably seen. I was wondering, what your opinion is on TV shows, movies, and pop culture things like that that are popular?

Tom: I was an X-Files fan a couple years ago. I think they have really lost track in the two later seasons we have seen in Sweden. I'm a big Sci-Fi fan but I don't watch Star Trek and stuff like that. I like any stuff that belongs to the unexplainable; the supernatural basically. Those are the subjects that really interest me.

This leads me to ask do you believe in this stuff or have you ever had a close encounter?

Tom: No I've never had a close encounter (with an alien anyway), not yet. But yeah, I think I believe. It's really hard to believe in something you've never experienced yourself. I have a major interest in finding out.

Being a concept album, would you say anything in your personal life had an affect on the lyrics or the writing?

Tom: Of course. Even though I'm basing the basic story on a book, all the feelings, fears, and ideas come from myself. I think that is what makes the story line really sincere because it's a truthful story basically. Of course I added some fiction to the story in order to make arrangements, etc..

<<Being a concept album, would you say anything in your personal life had an affect on the lyrics or the writing?

Tom: Of course. Even though I'm basing the basic story on a book, all the feelings, fears, and ideas come from myself. I think that is what makes the story line really sincere because it's a truthful story basically. Of course I added some fiction to the story in order to make arrangements, etc..>>

This is how I always interpreted the story, I'm surprised that many people took ISOT to be a sci-fi concept album, which it essentially is on the surface, and missed the metaphorical elements...
Agreed, Demonspell. Many people dismiss this album's concept and think it's corny due to the aliens... which were merely a vehicle to express the concepts of paranoia, detachment, betrayal and isolation.
"I don't recognise the silence
I can feel it the reality of it scares me
Sounds of steps outside
Keys in the door-lock
White robes they're human
I've been misled"

I've always believed that the story ends that there never was any abduction, well not by aliens anyway. I've always thought the main character was either:

1. involved in some sort of government conspiracy where govt agents abduct people
2. a nut job in a mental ward, and the "abductions" are just him being taken for medical exams or what have you.
I mean, you may take the most useless and obsolete idea there is... and make a whole cult based on it, great meanings, etc... but in the end maybe at the begining the idea was very simple, only hid behind some concept, metaphor... which is very nice in my own perspective. I agree with the second's person post.

(of course you can be right eheh :))
Well I've purchased and am currently reading the Communion book. I'm not too far into it, but the song December 26th certainly means a lot more to me now! Its an interesting read so far.
1Time said:
Maybe this has been covered before somewhere...but does anyone know why In Search of Truth is about aliens? Is it just a topic of interest? Do you know Carina?
undefinedI don't know man, but I've been obsessed with aliens since I was 10. I just wish I knew the truth, if the Govornment is hiding shit, they shouldn't, because everyone believes they exist anyway, they might as well tell us if they do, right? I think it's cool if they do, they don't seem hostile, they haven't killed any one so far and we've been hearing about them since the 50's. If they wanted a war they would have kicked our asses a long time ago. :loco: hey check out my web site it's crappy and undone, but pretty