Do aliens exist?


ghetto philosopher
Jul 7, 2001
behind closed eyelids
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I was just wondering what you all think of the subject of aliens. I am doing a research paper at the moment on UFO sightings and find the material to be very interesting. I have always believed that there has to be something else out there besides us. A lot of people think I am weird for believing in aliens or showing interest. I think there is more evidence proving them to be more real than God, but that's another thread.

Have any of you ever seen a UFO or what could possibly be one? In my research, I've read that many sightings have taken place in England as well as Australia. I know there are several people here from both places. Does the phenomena seem to be more prevalent there?

With the large number of books, movies, and television shows on the subject, I cannot help but think that it has to be true. I know there have been many false sightings and people trying to make money from it. Do you think the government is hiding evidence of aliens from us? Is it all just a way to make money? Are the personal accounts really believable?

I just want to get some varying thoughts about this. So, what are your opinions on this contraversial subject? Please shed some light on it for me. Thanks.
Check out Erich von Dänichen's books on the subject...or just check that awesome thread with the same name in the Chat forum!!! :D
well, certenly i belive in aliens, or an alien race from another place then here, as i like to call them(errr? harr).
'cuz the universe is all to big for earth to be the one and only planet with intelegent life...

but if i belive in all the UFO sightings, i dont really know... that i find a little strage.. that some "aliens" are flying over us and studeing us or whatever....
but then again, if we had more advanced thecnoligy, we would probably do something simular... not just sending a car with a camera on it....
so the conclution is... well i dont know
harr harr :p
Its hard not to imagine that, with trillions, or quadrillions, or x amount of stars out there, in the infinite reaches of space, that life might in fact exist. And just because they are out there doesn't mean they are more advanced than us. There could be a planet full of cave men or whatever about 5 million light-years away.:)
Well first of all, you have to make a difference between UFOs and Aliens. Ufo stands for Unidentified Flying Objects, which doesnt imply that its actually an alien ship etc. An alien sighting would be more of an abduction or anything related to that.

I am actually reading one of Von Danikens book, his 1st one.
It looks quite interesting.
I will also read Zecharia Stichin books some great day.

I suggest you go look at those sites for information:

If you wanna see some well done fake paranormal videos, go there:

The website say people gave them the videos, but they are obviously fake and made computer generated.

I have red that the government wanted to reveal the "truth" 3 times about extra terrestrial intelligence, but each time they couldnt because of circumstances, or so it seems that way.
Thanks for the information and web sites. I'll have to check out that guy's books.

I am aware of the distinction between the two, but I just included them both together.

I have been to the Art Bell site before because I was interested in the last song on Tool's 'Lateralus' cd, 'Faaip de Oiad', which contains the radio broadcast. Very interesting stuff.

Those videos sound interesting even though they are fake. :p
i beleive they exist but from all i have learn, i think they're evil and very not good looking
When people say 'aliens', people seem to imagine a five-foot tall (short) green guy with a laser gun that wants to harvest our livers and hearts for their expeiments...

If we do eventually find life out there, it will probably be of a big shock to us that they are just like us, or very close to us, or even extremely primative beings or animals...
Here's why I think intelligent life DOES exist elsewhere, and perhaps more importantly, at least one species has visited us.

The building blocks for life exist everywhere in the universe. This is a no brainer. I think that whenever the right conditions occur, life is bound to happen.

Now here's why I think they've visited us at least once: Roswell.
This one event means a whole lot. US officials do NOT mistake a stupid weather baloon for an exotic alien space shit with bodies and then "realize" their mistake a few hours later. People at that level simply do not make such mindless and impossible errors. Also with Roswell went all those eye witness accounts, hundreds of people all giving the same story without (presumably) pre-concocting it.

Because of Roswell and Roswell *alone* (if we were to completely dismiss all other "evidence") then I think it actually happened. I simply refuse to believe that high ranking US officials could've made such a huge mistake, they pretty much said: "we have alien space craft, we have alien bodies", who the hell says that? At that time in history, no one much thought about such creatures existing that much outside of science fiction. If it was "story" created by the gov't to scare the shit out of people, then why would the gov't change it's mind immediately after releasing the story? And why would they bring in the freakin army and section off the area for miles while they went through it with fine tooth combs? Even people houses were completely searched. Does this sound like the events following a weather baloon crash? Typically, a weather baloon retrivial in an area like that would involve a guy named Jim and another guy named Hank who would go out in their Ford pickup to drag it out of the woods without a single US official anywhere in sight. Hmm.

Were they trying to cover up some new gov't technology? If that were the case, don't you think they could've came up with better idea other than calling it alien and then recanting and making up the entirely unbelievable weather baloon story a short time later? The pieces don't appear to fit very well. If anything, the US wants it's citizens to think that is the most amazing thing since creation (cough - brainwashed) so suggesting there is some obscenely avanced alien species (even if the suggestion only lasted for a few hours) is simply not at all what anyone in the gov't would dare utter, not even as a joke, to the public.

Aside from this, I've heard things from members of my family and shit, not that this truly means anything cuz people are seeing the bloody virgin mary, allah, whatever, every day so I can see how the vast majority of first-hand alien interaction could be just a complete fabrication of mind. More odd are the "sightings" that involve lights in the sky which are often completely verified by aircraft radar showing objects about the size of a car going at impossible speeds/accelerations and subjecting themselves to impossible stresses. I'm much more believing of something when a large number of people see it and then it is verified by something other than someone seeing lights or aliens or something (ie. radar).

There are also many pilots who see tonnes of stuff. There are literally thousands of accounts from pilots which seem to be on the believable end of the spectrum to me.

Anyway, I think it's true, just from Roswell alone cuz I believe the testomony of high-ranking highly-educated officials and I am unable to think of any reason why they would lie about temporarily to cause public panic and make themselves look like complete idiots for making such a completely impossible "mistake".


probably, but i do hate the image that they are cleverer etc. i dont find it hard to believe that there are other people/creatures on other planets, i mean its proven anyway, isn't it? im talking about that worm they found on Mars. :err:
Originally posted by Trapped
When people say 'aliens', people seem to imagine a five-foot tall (short) green guy with a laser gun that wants to harvest our livers and hearts for their expeiments...

If we do eventually find life out there, it will probably be of a big shock to us that they are just like us, or very close to us, or even extremely primative beings or animals...

i think would be even more of a shock if they were even less like use...if the most alien thing we can imagine is a short man with green skin then we are a very uncreative race...the evloutionairy path which brought man into existance branced millions of times before it got to on another planet most likely would be nothing like our own or anything else on earth
It's pretty cool to think that there is more life other than on earth throughout the universe.

"Have any of you ever seen a UFO or what could possibly be one?"

I remember the first time my dad told me he saw about 7 UFO crafts when he was younger walking home from work late at night. I also saw something that could have been an Alien craft with a bunch of my buddies a couple of years ago. It was late and we were walking over a bridge and we looked over and saw a huge light. My friends were like what the fucks that, so they booked for some reason (maybe the alcohol) and I'm sitting back watching this thing. Eventually I ran after them. But the real fucked up thing was that light we saw was far away and as I was running to catch up with them I looked back and saw this huge fucken craft above my head. It was like triangular shaped and it made no noise at all. I don't think any of my friends saw it upclose, I tried explaining it to them but they never knew. It sucked being the only one.

Anyway, I doubt that humans could have been involved with this, it must have been the Aliens.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
probably, but i do hate the image that they are cleverer etc. i dont find it hard to believe that there are other people/creatures on other planets, i mean its proven anyway, isn't it? im talking about that worm they found on Mars. :err:

I think what they have found in some stones which came from mars were some molecules which were similar to bacteria DNS...but they couldnt prove that these molecules had something to do with a lifeform, as far as i know...

anyway, i also think aliens exist somewhere in this universe, its unlogical to think we are the only lifeforms in this huge universe, as life can also be possible at some places in our solar system, for example on the Jupiter moon called europa.
i just regret that i won't live long enough to see all the high technology stuff that'll be happening. space is so eerie. if there is otehr being, do they have a soul? do god have to die for them too? could there be ultra hot women from another planet?
Originally posted by OpethianSoul

In my research, I've read that many sightings have taken place in England as well as Australia. I know there are several people here from both places. Does the phenomena seem to be more prevalent there?

some light on it for me. Thanks.

As my profile indicates I'm from Australia, and while I haven't had any first hand experience, I can tell you that my housemate's cousin lives up in the hills north of Melbourne around Wangarratta. Apparently it's one of the hotbeds for UFO activity, and this guy has got a couple of weird stories about late night lights and noises. They're out in the middle of nowhere too. He's a really sensible guy and not prone to exaggeration, and he doesn't really like telling the stories. In fact I really have to push him to tell them which lends me to believe him, actually.

It's all very strange....