Aliens from outer space?

Well after reading the reason why we never landed on the moon I'm still not convinced but than again I've always been stubern. I mean most of the radiation coming from the sun is light radiation and that can be reflected with a mirror. And the flag that I saw didn't appear to be waving (in the wind) to me but, ohh well. I would like to see all the pic that they were talking about. I mean why don't they show them, hmmm this could be a conspiracy so I could make better judgment with the acutal facts.
Hmm, aliens from outer space...well I believe that because the universe is so infinitely large, that it is very possible that other intelligent life exists. But! The universe is so infinitely large that the possibility of them being anywhere remotely close to us is as infinitesmally small. So it doesn't really matter if there is intelligent life out there, because I really don't think we will ever find out.

I do believe in aliens from Mexico though. (No offense, misanthrope)
Originally posted by Opth_001
if there's no wind why is the flag blowing

If the astronauts had bumped the flag, that could have caused it to move. Vacum = no friction = if something moves, it keeps moving. A program on this conspiracy was on tv here a couple months ago, and everyone I've spoken to about it has had the same idea. :err:

And I believe in ghosts, but who knows what they are. I regard them as spirits, as that is what the common perception is, but they could be anything- a persons unconcious projection, some force of nature (but not in the cheesy way I just put it :grin: ), hell they could be the unconcious projection of a dogs dream for all I know :tickled:
And if they are spirits of the dead, while that may mean an afterlife type thing, that in no way supports the concept of a god (some one drew that conclusion earlier). :err:
I've wondered..........

Say a ghost is the soul of a dead person (one popular theory). When the person dies, it's brain dies. The brain is what controls movement, thought, and feeling. So how can a person's soul, alone and independent, move to (or even think to) haunt a place or person or do other ghostly things when the brain is not with it? :err:
Originally posted by Jayde
I've wondered..........

Say a ghost is the soul of a dead person (one popular theory). When the person dies, it's brain dies. The brain is what controls movement, thought, and feeling. So how can a person's soul, alone and independent, move to (or even think to) haunt a place or person or do other ghostly things when the brain is not with it? :err:

The brain is a physical thing, as is movement, in terms of our bodies. It all just works on electrical impulses. With no physical form, these devices wouldn't be needed. And what if, say, the soul/spirit resides in the brain, and is released at death.

:err: :lol:
I do believe in aliens from Mexico though. (No offense, misanthrope)

Im asuming you mean UFO cases originated here. Illegal immigrants are quite real ( i do not particulary like the therm alien aplied to illegal immigrants but i understand it was not meant to be offensive even if it is...)

As for the UFO phenomenon, i witnessed a couple. Once outside my grandma's house in xmass me and my cousins where outside when we noticed odd lights that moved slowly and some smaller lights came out of them. Later this was explained to be just baloons but the lights comming out of them and the relative distance and number ( about 3 or 4 ) of them made me live the experience with reasonable doubts. Other time i was in a sports club by the pool and people started pointing at the sky and i noticed an incredible fast light moving in the sky, i only got but a glimpse of it but good enough to notice the speed. Other people ( there was about 80 people near the pools area at that time ) told me they saw the object changing positions however i also only consider striclty what i saw: a fast light ( as fast as someone moving a cigarette in front of your face with alot of strenght )

The third is the most subjective of all, i was in my living room falling in slumber when i woke up and saw an incredible bright light comming from outside, actually 2 of them. kinda what it looks like when someone is putting the car in a garage late at night, i standed up and shook my head and there was nothing, then the same kind of lights appeared in the terrain in front of my house ( there is a big empty terrain lot ( 4x2 blocks ) and then a big avenue) about a block away. Later my family came home and i asked if they or anyone at all entered with the card trough the drive way for some reason getting only a negative as an answer. I also asked anyone i could think of doing such a thing. This is too subjective to be consider something near evidence because it was probably a dream ( very realistic one maybe ) and because anyone could had use my drive way to turn around or something, but the lights over the terrain lived me with questions. Next day i found a rummor in the news about a big number of people of my area that witnessed 3 of such lights in the sky moving at a great speed and it was rummored that they where some short of russian helicopters but authorities never said anything about the subject.
the moon landings are totally fake, or at least the photographs and video footage of them are. try doubling the speed on the footage and i think you'll agree that it doesnt nearly look so convincing, also in two of the photographs supposedly taken on different days and in different locations, the same rock is in frame suggesting its actually the same location/set, also the inventor of the actual stills camera they used said that for them to take the shots they did was quite amazing considering that in their space suits and at the position the camera was mounted, they couldnt look down to see what was in frame, it was a matter of angle your body in the general direction and click. There are loads of other discrepancies and im in no doubt that they were fake
And what if, say, the soul/spirit resides in the brain, and is released at death

good point. I'd like to ask one of those parapsychologists or demonologists what they think.