Aliens from outer space?

well i started reading up on astral projection and i tried some of the techniques i found, its really like a deep meditiation, anyway whilst doing it i lost all since and control of my body, it was totally numb, like i was paralysed, but my mind ws incredibly clear, and after a while it seemed like all there was was my consciousness floating there in a point in space, and had no relation to my body, soon i started experiencing strange feelings, i seemed at first to be vibrating, it was like energy was flowing up and down me, then i started feeling incredibly light and felt as though i was rolling over and over, i lost all orientation, i didnt know what way i was facing, it actually felt like my face was in the wall, anyway i kinda freaked out and got over excited and ended it, i couldnt believe it, it was just like they had described the first stages of astral projection, i never believed it. Anyway i have tried it many times since and have reached this state again and again though i still have not actually achieved full seperation from my body. It is said once you become good at it you can travel anywhere in an instant and time travel, you can interact with objects and other people you meet on your travels, it seems that it really is true, apart from the sensations i have felt, others who can achieve full seperation have travelled to friends houses in their astral form, and the next day were able to tell their friends exactly what they were doing...anyway i feel that i may shortly be able to achieve seperation, i have read that it may take many months but it is worth also changed my entire view of the world, anyway meditation in any form is good
If all the ufo stuff is crap, why would the US gov't set up the Roswell incident, claim it was a ufo, only to recant a few hours later?

Think about it. The gov't went to all that trouble to fabricate a ufo crash and publicize it, no small task in the 40's. Then immediately after, they say it wasn't a ufo and give us that lame weather baloon story, which no one ever believed for a second anyway. Why would they want to appear to us to be stupid enough to mistake a ufo for a baloon? Or, why would they want to appear as liars? Why would they create hoax only to denounce it a few hours later? It makes absolutely no sense however you look at it, well except in one way: it wasn't a hoax, those well-educated gov't officials were telling the truth when they said "we have alien space craft, we have alien bodies".

It all comes down to plausibility.

Is it plausible that high-ranking officials could mistake a ufo and alien bodies as a weather baloon? No, this is simply NOT possible, therefore, they are obviously lying about something for some reason, we just don't know what or why.

Is it plausible that the US had some motive for concocting this nonsense to get the public to believe that intelligent life is visiting the earth? Yes, this is plausible, however, why would they go through all that trouble to set up this hoax only to say "opps, we made a mistake, we are idiots" just a few hours later? What possible motive could the gov't have to first scare the shit out of everyone with a hoax and then make themselves look like idiots by claiming they made an impossible mistake about it?

As far as I can see, the US gov't wants to make it's people believe it is in complete control of everything, that it's the most powerful and cool thing in existance. Lying to the world by telling them that an incredibly avanced race exists is not good politics. Also, then saying they made a mistake, it's just a baloon is also not very smart, it makes them look like a bunch of fucking fools, which is also not a very wise political move.

Assuming for a second that Roswell was a hoax put on by the gov't and military, what did the gov't achieve by doing this?
1. they put their own "powerfulness" in question by telling us there is a more advanced race
2. they made themselves look like complete idiots by saying it was all a mistake
Why would the gov't want it's own people to question it's power and intelligence like that? It makes absolutely no sense. The US gov't spent so much time and money convincing it's people that the opposite of these things was true, there's no logical way they would just decide to undermine these efforts for no good reason.

I think that Roswell and Roswell ALONE gives us an overwhelming reason to think that intelligent life has visited this planet. Even if no other "evidence" existed, I'd still think it was true because I cannot think of a circumstance in which the US gov't would first say: "We are dwarfed by another species" and then say "We are so stupid we mistook a ufo for a baloon".

Aside from this, if it was actually a ballon and the initial ufo story was just a scare tactic (for reasons we cannot discern), then why would the military show up, remain there for such a long time, completely quaranteen the area, search people's homes, etc? Fact is, in the case of a weather baloon going down, the military is NEVER called in to investigate, much less set up an occupation in the area. There are simply too many unanswered questions to dismiss this as a mere hoax or scare tactic. Something happened that day, we may never know what, but whatever it was it was fucking hugely significant and the world has not been the same since.

I believe the greatest show of human arrogance is to think that in all the vastness of space, this blue dot we call Earth is the only place with life.

Maybe, but isn't it an even greater show of human arrogance to believe that if there is intelligent alien life, that it would invest it's time and energies travelling through the vastness of space to come and visit us? Are we really so fascinating that alien life would take the trouble to secretly visit us, abduct and probe us? Why the hell would they kill cows? We might not, of course, be able to understand their reasons, but it would be an arrogant assumption none the less.

The trouble with the issue of alien visitation is that there are so many people who are so determined to believe that we have been visited and that makes an unbiased view very difficult. Likewise there's big business in the promotion of the belief of alien visitation, just like TV evangelism (shudder) but probably even more money!
Roswell is not the only evidence that we have on UFO's. There have been numerous sightings all over the world. Even in ancient times discoveries were found in Egypt. Carvings in caves of people with circular objects floating above them indicate UFO's. Carvings of flying devices that resemble aircraft's similar to present day ones. The idea behind this is that the aliens came to earth at this time and taught the people of the earth such things as technology. The pyramids in Egypt are another mystery. Have you ever seen these? There is no way that the people back then had the technology and equipment to build such structures.
This doesn't necessarily mean UFO's but I wonder.
Well, that's another rambling for me.
Feel free to laugh at me for tis post.:lol: :lol:
ok, i wasnt gonna reply, but wot the hell
yes i wanted to believe in roswell but for me the evidence just wasnt there, ok what happened, something crashlanded in a field, big bang, flames, wreckage etc., some junior officer from the air force base came along and said that they'd got a crashed "flying saucer" he didnt claim it was aliens, then some time later he made another statement saying it was in fact a weather balloon, i agree this was a cover up. Add the cover up to the numerous stories of the 4 small hermetically sealed coffins, the strict security and silencing of the local people and you have an alien conspiracy dont you? well not in my opinion, at that time the american govenment and others were developing prototypes of revolutionary new aircraft look at the avrocar:
now in my mind it seems perfectly reasonable that during a test flight something went horribly wrong, one of these disc shaped aircraft crashed, the airforce officer ariving on site didnt know about the secret aircraft, it would have been nothing like he had never seen before, it had no wings ffs! and this was a time in america when there were hundreds of low-budget b-movies on he subject of aliens visiting us in their strange spaceships, what else was he to think, then when it went public the government didnt want to cause hysteria amongst the public, they were paranoid enough about the russians...and yet they couldnt divulge that this was some new radical top secret aircraft so they palmed it off as a weather balloon. I personally think these secret aircraft were developed by the german scientists that the americans commandeered at the end of wwII, remember it was such german scientists who created the first rockets for the american space programme...
(First of all, I hate to refer to a previous thread, but I shall do it nevertheless: Satori, I don't know if you read my last message in our conversation, but thank you anyway - I discovered a great stupidity in my deduction. This is all about that, anyway, if you don't know what it is that I am actually pertaining to then I suggest you should check the message and/or read further.)

I think aliens do exist. It would be arrogant of us to think that we would be the only form of life in existence. As you have already pointed out, this arrogance very often arises from the presupposition that the existence of God and his exclusive portrayal in the life on this planet would negate that possibility.

If aliens are visiting us, it is the same thing that we do when we examine lifeforms that we can subject to our scrutiny. Without a will to evolve and develop there is no intelligence, as intelligence implies confrontation of problems and solving them, thus pushing the envelope further. If there are aliens visiting us, it tells of our inferiority and that we are subjects to their intelligence; they find us very fit for examination and want to advance. We are their tools for that purpose. That should not be a source for arrogance.

An interesting theory that was in one case brought up by Robert Morningsky, a descendent of an alleged witness to the Roswell incident, who told of what aliens had supposedly revealed to his great uncle of the nature and purposes of extra-terrestrial lifeforms on the earth. His claim was that throughout man's history aliens have held humans in their grip created by fear; they were unknown and gods to man - creators of religion, as a matter of fact - and thus feared, obeyed and deified. Again, this is but a theory, yet I admit it is an interesting one. What do you think? Religion was created to control man and is used by man for that purpose (yup), but this offers another interpretation as to who created religion. (Of course, humans have a will to power which will inevitably lead to the creation of a system of control.)

Accountings of the arrival of strange beings from the sky appears in many ancient cultures: for instance, the testimony of the Mesopotamian temple scribe Ishur Ninku tells of the arrival of anthropomorphic beings from the sky, known as the Nephilim, who were later adapted into a biblical legend; they were angels banished from heaven for divulging divine knowledge to mankind.

A theory (erm, not mine!) as to why the U.S. government acted irrationally in the case of Roswell: as the case was a visitation on the earth by an extra-terrestrial race that is millions of years ahead of us in development, the choice has been given out that the military lost all evidence and thus called the incident off as merely a weather balloon in order to not have to say "well, they were aliens, really, but there is no way we can prove it since we do not have any evidence." Then how did all the debris and victims disappear? The theory implies that these aliens are able to jump back in time. Hence they went back in time and prevented the crash from happening, yet since things happen simultaneously on two time levels, the witnesses remembered everything they saw as the mind operates beyond time and space. Thus, what was erased from the physical timeline remained in the minds of the witnesses as these aliens could not erase the event from the mental timeline.

Moonchild, the theory you presented seems logical. The U.S. military has certain 'black programmes' which revolve around the creation of revolutionary aircraft. It however does not imply that this knowledge was not from the source of 'the Nephilim'; aliens. Why these programmes are 'black' could stem from the fact that the only reason for the U.S. military to withhold this revolutionary technology is that it is so far beyond our publicly known state of research of physics that it would lead us to confront something the governing factions want to withhold from the public. Hence the hasty cover-up.

As for ghosts and spirits, I do not have a yes or no for answer: they fascinate me and I want to believe in them, but that tells more of me and of my will to believe than of their existence. In the case of seeing and experiencing spirits, the link between these spirits and the mind is important.
yes i too am aware of the Nephilim, i used to read a lot of zecharia sitchin :) and his ideas did intrigue me however i simply think that the american goverment and others are not clever enough to keep such a thing secret for 50 years or more, and it is the only possibility, as with spy satellites we can watch the whole globe, unless the aliens are invisible, we would certainly see them
What about the second part Ghost?
Anyone believes in extra dimentions and multiple realities? Personally i hardly believe in ghosts. I think all the cases point at little more than mental suggestion and precondition, paranormal areas seem to be yet another thing people likes to believe into. But well maybe i am not aware of something important so speak up.

And the alien thing...its far too obious that there is life outside our planet, what is not possible is that there is no other forms of life. Or unlife :grin: . And the evidence...well while there has been serious frauds in the ufo comunity, the points you mention are very consistant, it is likely to be a top secret thing and the general population will be the last to usual
whats the big fucking deal with calling ''aliens'' intelligent life forms or whatever? why do we have the illusion that if we did see other life, that we asume they're clever and far superior to us. its not that im afraid or want them to be dumb, i just think its a bit stupid to asume they're superior to us. the way i see it, is that just as our life started there could be others out there, not like a parellel universe but just another incident on another planet. but what i'd really like to happen is for aliens to come down and prove religion is a man made thing, oh hang on we all know this anyway.

at this point i'd like to point out the end of planet of the apes where the chimp comes down in the space ship :lol: , sure fucked up their religious beliefs.
I have to agree with Moonchild...the government can use peoples ideas about UFOs to their advantage. Our most highly developed aircraft do resemble what some might think as a UFO. They would rather have those rumours than having inquiries about top secret planes crashing. Of course that doesn't mean that there aren't real UFOs. Just that they can be used as a deversion from what they don't want the public to know. :eek:
Since I asked,,,,

Aliens.. if there are actually beings from another 'place' visiting us...then they've always been here, influencing us. There is alot of 'Alien' stuff in history and varios religous texts. There is alot of stuff in the bible that could easily be describing Aliens....Chariots of fire, a book by some German dude and some other book I read 'Gods and Aliens' .. were about this.
Or, Intelligent life is out there, but; I quote the Hicthhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Space, is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space....."
So due to these mind-boggling distances it just seems too unlikely that anything would be coming here on a regular basis to fly around and do whatever the 'things' are they do. ( unless they can make wormholes or something ) As far as the photographic seems probable that its just secret Government war/spy planes or something.

Somethingelse I just thought of,, Angels, Demons, Elves, Fairies, leprachauns, etc... maybe 'aliens' change with the times, we have always had 'other beings' We could be preceiving these 'beings' differently as our mindsets change....blah,blah...

As for Ghost, It seems they are the spirits of the dead. There are plenty of pictures. Plenty of eyewitness accounts. I have never had any sort of experience with ghost, so I'm still skeptical about them. I would like to find out for myself. I am fairly positive there is some sort of phenomenon that exists, but as to it's true nature, i'm not sure. It CANNOT be purely of the mind....there are plenty of photographs that cannot be explained and tons of video showing the orbs. ( which may be something else entirely). Ghost have always been, as long as humans have been around.

I've always like the thought: 'we are living in a world of spirits'
Originally posted by Hail Eris!

So due to these mind-boggling distances it just seems too unlikely that anything would be coming here on a regular basis to fly around and do whatever the 'things' are they do. ( unless they can make wormholes or something

But in our solar system there are also planets/moons where life could exist, for example Europa, a moon of jupiter and mars (but i think they didnt prove that there is/was life there already...)

As for ghosts, fairies etc. i think there is much more on earth that humans cannot explain and i think these beliefs are a kind of approach to what happens in reality (perhaps this is also true for ufo sights, because i dont believe that aliens, if they should really visit our earth be so stupid to show up in that way)
Wow this is an awsome thread! Well to start out I know for a fact that there is aliens lilke we all said because space is just too big for us to be the only thing in the universe. When I was younger I used to think that only on intelligent life-form would live in a galaxy at a time because I thought it was just too hard for there to be much more. But now I dont' know bacuse some guy gave his theorys of extra-terrestial life which one of them explains why aliens come so far to see us at that was that we are just animals in a zoo. I think that kinda stupid but I can't argue against it. As for Roswell it defanitly a cover up but I agree with moonchild (you've been reading the never ending story haven't you?) that the govenment has secret air craft, cause I mean think about it if they've been coming to this planet since like the begin, than why haven't they crashed before? I mean if I remember right it was a fairly nice day out so what made the space ship crash?

As for ghost I don't believe in them because if there is a such thing as ghost than that would mean that there is some sort of life after death, and if that the cause than why can't there be a God? I've alread but him out of existance with the bible, lies, and fabrications. I believe that they are projected form the human mind I mean it's not like we use 100% of our brain power who know what else we can do if we could use our full potential. Well I guess I put my 2 cent in (for now) I hope you enjoyed my post if not who cares.
Assuming that the roswell incident involved a cover-up of experimental aircraft for a moment:

Why would the gov't send in some guy who didn't know what was going on, who would mistake this aircraft for alien? The freakin military showed up there, you'd think that if they were testing out new technology there'd be some nasa guys or something hanging around making sure everything goes ok. Is it possible that this crash occured then the military shows up, investigates, and has time to make a statement before someone involved in the secret program has a chance to set them straight? I guess is it, and if that's the case, then fuck were they stupid/inefficient back then.

I guess this also discredits all the eye-witness testomony, and there was an awful lot of it.

I think we can be assured of one thing at least, it was not a balloon. It was some sort of aircraft, we just don't know the origins.

I find it a little odd that the US would test their aircraft in full view of this small town, wasn't it supposed to be a secret?

Who knows.. the world is a very strange and fucked up place indeed.

I don't believe in the supernatural, and I'm neutral when it comes to the concept of aliens.

I think it is very likely there is life in the galaxy other then us, but it would be downright arrogant to just assume that there is or isn't. I like to keep my mind open to all possibilities in this subject.
I used to think the moon landing was a conspiracy.
They provide some good points, and some bad ones.
Like there are no stars present in any of the pictures, or the different angles of the shadows. There all silly ideas.
Originally posted by mindflesh
I have to agree with moonchild, too.

By the way, speaking of the US-Government conspiracy theories, do you believe in the fake moon landing theory?

No the moon landing was real I mean some people say why wern't there any stars than, well you have to think about how bright earth is I mean it more than twice the size of the moon and you hardly ever see any stars next to the moon. Another thing that people say is if there's no wind why is the flag blowing, well there are 2 possiblilty one (which is true) they have a horizontal pole so that you can see the flag and it wouldn't just be limp, second there are solor wind and they can affect matter so that could cause it to blow a little.