
Of course, but we want to talk about aliens too
But you're right saying to spend more money for helping the poor then supporting NASA. If we just could choose where all our taxes should be used for...
there is much important thinmk thjen anathema, then music, then football, then festival...
but we're still thinking, speaking, spending money for them..
those thing don't stop me to think/react for those "important problems"

about the money that usa & russia spend for discovering aliens...
it's not different that they spend all their money to guns and things like that, all the reseaches is for to show who is more powerful & develloped..
i know what yous mean. at the end of the day we still have to breathe and eat and sleep and hopefully work hard at something. i dont like capitalism either or poverty or war or armageddon (maybe neccessary though) but still its there and there is fuck all to be done about it. the world is controlled by evil and there is no major right and wrong, especially not in the middle east.
i dissagree on mehdi's politics (sort of) but then again i dissagree with sharons politics and i fucking hate hamas and all those fucking cunts.
so its evil against evil in the greatest shown on earth....
by the way on the subject of aliens i reckon they were here before, and i also think its possible that YHWH (jehovah) was/is extra terrestrial which would explain why there is a fucking big computerised code in the hebrew text of the old testament that predicts the 'end of days'.
listen to 'amused to death' and 'meggiddo'

"we watched the tragedy unfold,
we did as we were told we bought and sold,
it was the greatest show on earth, and then it was over...
we ooohed and aaahed, we drove our racing cars,
we ate our last few jars of caviar,
and somewhere out in the stars a keen eyed look out spied a flickering light,
our last hurrah...
and when they found our shadows,
around the TV (pc) sets,
they ran down every lead,
they repeated every test,
they checked out all the data on their lists, and then...
the ALIEN ANTHROPOLOGISTS adimitted they were still perplexed, but on eliminating every other reason for our sad demise,
they logged the only explanation left,
this species has amused itself to death...
no tears to cry,
no feelings left,
this species has amused itself to death..."

one of waters best ever songs...
now if that was a pink floyd song it would be world famous. then again of roger hadnt been such a cunt at times....
ý also belive that there were here before us..
like most of people ý belive that they did all those great things in egypt, and they taught human the essential things about mathematics and astronomy.
no maybe they didnt do the stuff in egypt though...people could easily have done all that without alien interference. its just they were cleverer people than history gives them credit for..maybe. i dont know. graham hancock has got some good ideas check out
aaah you people think too much. if people were a bit less interested in Aliens and Sense Of Life, and a bit more in getting along a bit better with other people and in self-improvement, this world would be a better place really.
if they were really clever and if their knowledge was passed down from before the flood, from places like "atalantis"
maybe more people than just noah survived...look the ols stuff in south amaerica. i mean the REALLY old stuff. its no coincidence the methods are the same as egypts, even if thousands of miles apart.
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
aaah you people think too much. if people were a bit less interested in Aliens and Sense Of Life, and a bit more in getting along a bit better with other people and in self-improvement, this world would be a better place really.

aaah yes but...
you cannot see the big picture.

and there is no hope whatsoever for humanity in this cycle.
and mohammed probably communicated with some bloke from sirius.
Originally posted by alefas21

i didn't know you like watching X-FILES.i thought i was the only fan of Mulder in the forum! :spin: :) :grin:

Hehe:p i've been watching the x-files since the very beginning.they are a part of my's a cult least,was.because nowadays(and after the 5th period)they have fucked the whole thing up,as chris carter has abandonded his creation.they shall stop it at lost its gets on me nerves that they're trying to snatch money out of second time roasted food...bastards...
Originally posted by pagan2002
aaah yes but...
you cannot see the big picture.
and there is no hope whatsoever for humanity in this cycle.
and mohammed probably communicated with some bloke from sirius.

of course i can't see the big picture, but the point is that none can actually. and i don't give a dying fuck about humanity really :mad:. on the other hand i do care a lot for people living around me and in my opinion that's a bit more useful :grin:.

for what comes to mohammed, i heard that this communication with sirius was actually a bad trip caused by too much mushrooms and LSD :erk:
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e

for what comes to mohammed, i heard that this communication with sirius was actually a bad trip caused by too much mushrooms and LSD :erk:

do you mean mohammed (muhammed) the prophet?
if so, he probably used lots of mushroom or joint cause there is lots of things in the place he has been..
but ý don't know about LDS..
it should be hard to find LDS in arabia in 6. century :)