
I think anathema must be aliens! :eek:
There's no other way to explain the extra-terrestrial, extra- beautiful, out-of-this-earth music they create!!! :guh:
Danny, speak the truth!!! :(
Originally posted by Elmarad
I think anathema must be aliens! :eek:
There's no other way to explain the extra-terrestrial, extra- beautiful, out-of-this-earth music they create!!! :guh:
Danny, speak the truth!!! :(

Theres only one way to find out. Cut them open. Did you ever see 'V'?
"V" I LÝKE ÝT when ý was a little child and still....
ý always wanna be that women with dark hairs (the president of the aliens)

Elmarad don't you remember that tv serie? Aliens eat rats??
they wanna destroy the world (or they wanna take control of the word.. I don't remember well) ?
Originally posted by without
"V" I LÝKE ÝT when ý was a little child and still....
ý always wanna be that women with dark hairs (the president of the aliens)

Elmarad don't you remember that tv serie? Aliens eat rats??
they wanna destroy the world (or they wanna take control of the word.. I don't remember well) ?

No, not at all! :confused: Was it a cartoon?
Although ''alien eat rats'' seems some kind familiar...
Originally posted by pagan2002
no maybe they didnt do the stuff in egypt though...people could easily have done all that without alien interference. its just they were cleverer people than history gives them credit for..maybe. i dont know.

i have to agree,up to some point,although i do not have a concentrated notion that could be considered as an "opinion".i have many a couple of options in me mind,as the facts are too few compared to the questions.

what i can say though,is that i believe that there have been people in the past(in various civilisations,known and unknown) ,with much higher intelligence quotient than ours,because then the evolutional level was depended exclusively on human brain's powers and there was a blazing desire for research and expansion of the borders and horizons of human knowlegde and,according to nature and due to its needs,human brain reached its apogee(ancient greece,egypt,china,middle&south america etc)

but after the Industrial Revolution and the conquering of machines,the human spirit gradually got enslaved and stuck inside a quagmire,not producing new ideas,but enhancing the old ones*always talking approximately and relatively*,under the dunce of "the old glory".

so,the"cavalry charge"of the New on the Old and the rise of new values that replaced the old ones,the evolution of economy and its distinction as the major value,all the above somehow put the common thought/interest into another canal.

to cut it short:absorbed in the pleasures of the earth and his counterfeit human authority,man nurtured an huge Ego and deified numerous demerits,clipping his own wings to the sky,dooming himself to he became "smaller"corporally and mentally,as he left it up to the machines....

"...dream of the future,woke up with a scream,i was buying some feelings from a vending machine..."

So there is no doubt there were "better"humans than us,whether because they got help from so called "aliens"or
some of them got "mixed"with aliens or they were just BETTER(corporally/mentally)etc

and now i'm dizzy and i cant i stop.i hope you understood
:confused: :eek:
Originally posted by Elmarad

Yeah!! Let's begin with their ex-bassist, he must be the mother-alien of all! Hand me a knife!!! :eek:
BTW what's 'V' ?

Yes, you're welcome kidder;) I'll meet you in Crete and that and you can cut me up but fill me with soutzoukaki first.
Do yer best kidder:o
Originally posted by without
"V" I LÝKE ÝT when ý was a little child and still....
ý always wanna be that women with dark hairs (the president of the aliens)

Elmarad don't you remember that tv serie? Aliens eat rats??
they wanna destroy the world (or they wanna take control of the word.. I don't remember well) ?

Diana was best. She'd have it. Deffo!
They ate rabbits as well I think.
Originally posted by Strangelight

Yes, you're welcome kidder;) I'll meet you in Crete and that and you can cut me up but fill me with soutzoukaki first.
Do yer best kidder:o

:D Ok, i'll feel you up with soutzoukaki, tzatziki, souvlaki and greek salad!!! You'll taste great then!!! :grin: Can't wait any longer, Crete I"M COMING!!! :)
Sorry to change the subject..
This place is ruined..Humanity played its role in that..mean still it is playing it..but for how long?
Sincerely think thers enough trouble with world poverty - Did you know that one in five people in the world live on just one dollar a day??? :Puke: poor people they dont really need that dollar all they need is a noose.. Kill the poor- :muahaha:!!! -... but fuck me, no need to close down NASA just all the weapon-factories of the world.. :err:
I mean this earth is fucked bad and it will eventually be sucked by the sun. No matter whether people fuck everything up totally or some star sucks us, earth's future is black:cry:.. a simple yet certain truth.
The thing is that although life changed drastically in the last couple centuries (transportation, microwave, ecstacy (just kidding nothing can replace good old crack:rolleyes: ) and we claimwe are more developed we actually have not even been to Mars yet. Dunno if you get my drift, we have to leave this godforsaken place and the last guy that did a specetrip was this russian multi-milionaire who did it just for pleasure.
Fuck, I mean this is not even fun anymore..maybe it never was

NP: Bathory - Ace of Spades