Alienware for recording?

care to elaborate on that? I7 and 12gb for 800 seems crazy unless you bought cheap components and maybe used a motherboards integrated GPU

Parts at the moment are getting cheap, you can get 8GB of Corsair Dominator RAM for $80 (about $30 for 4GB). Processors are getting ridiculously cheap too.

i would never pay that much for windows. i think thats absolutely rediculous that they charge so much for a buggy system.

lol wut? You have to be kidding right?
Hey, so I went here:
I Choose the Qube model. The only modifications I did were:
1. The processor, which I changed for an i7 2066 3.4GHz.
2. The cooling system (required) Sytche [...]
3. 16 Gb of RAM.
The price would be 1532.00, which I think is okay.
What do you guys think about this desktop? Any of you have had experience with ADK Pro Audio?
lol wut? You have to be kidding right?

nope... not kidding. used windows for years and always had problems. some minor. some huge. but all a little frustrating. then when i switched to mac ive had no driver issues and pro tools opens like 10 times as fast. less space is used cause it deosnt have that stupid system 32 bs. but hey its all preference. the whole mac vs pc debate is a pointless one in my opinion. but for me its a no brainer. all im saying is its certainly not 6 times better and thats what they are charging.
Hey, so I went here:
I Choose the Qube model. The only modifications I did were:
1. The processor, which I changed for an i7 2066 3.4GHz.
2. The cooling system (required) Sytche [...]
3. 16 Gb of RAM.
The price would be 1532.00, which I think is okay.
What do you guys think about this desktop? Any of you have had experience with ADK Pro Audio?

i think the cooling system is unnecessary unless you plan on over-clocking. but all in all sounds decent. again... still cheaper if you build it yourself. they are charging to assemble.
That should be plenty to handle HUUUGE projects.

I have a 5-year old quad core phenom that still takes quite a beating. More than enough power for just about everything. However only one instance of FG-X and the CLA Waves plugins beat it down pretty hard.

A laptop for recording is really hard to find. Damn I wish I knew about ADK two years ago. I threw down some cash on a Dell Studio XPS. My new situation requires me to be mobile. i7, 8GB RAM, external eSATA HD, etc. I paid extra since I wanted 1920x1080, which until recently was rare on laptops. It sucks ballz!

They use stepping for the CPU which causes audio buffer problems. It is a quad core with hyperthreading and when you turn all that off the cores run at 1.73Ghz so you loose low latency performance. The IO throughput on the eSATA bus, Firweire bus, and the Express card bus (for external Firewire Card, TI Chipset) all share a POS all-in-one chip. Causing even further performance problems and audio drop outs.

Not to mention the case feels cheap and I am constantly popping parts back together. Really disappointed. At work we buy their small business lines, way better if they let you buy it. But if you want to game on it too, the graphics cards are crap.

Oh yeah and the thing is blazingly noisy. And it still can't cool itself. So I have to carry an external cooler.

So... get this.. I carry around the laptop, an external cooler, external keyboard (no number pad is teh suck!!), external mouse, external powered USB hub (only 2 ports are you .... ), external interface, external firewire card, and an external hard drive and power supply.....pretty fucking mobile.

So I am glad to hear you decided to get a desktop. Way better decision.

For those of you that are mobile (ie. home studio, commercial studio, rehearsal space), buy 3 monitors (to leave at each location) and a desktop. Cheaper and way better!

However, those ADK boxes sure look interesting....

Sorry for the rant :)
nope... not kidding. used windows for years and always had problems. some minor. some huge. but all a little frustrating. then when i switched to mac ive had no driver issues and pro tools opens like 10 times as fast. less space is used cause it deosnt have that stupid system 32 bs. but hey its all preference. the whole mac vs pc debate is a pointless one in my opinion. but for me its a no brainer. all im saying is its certainly not 6 times better and thats what they are charging.

This must be a phenomenon that doesn't extend to me. I have a MacBook Air that crashes quite frequently on me, while my Windows Vista never has. The GUI on the Mac's are nice, though it's not really that big a difference.
This must be a phenomenon that doesn't extend to me. I have a MacBook Air that crashes quite frequently on me, while my Windows Vista never has. The GUI on the Mac's are nice, though it's not really that big a difference.


What a lot of people don't realize, stability has almost nothing to do with the OS, but rather the quality of the hardware being used. Of course a $600 Dell with 8GB of Ram, a 3.2GHz quad core, 2TB HDD that comes with a 22 in widescreen monitor, keyboard and mouse, windows office (which costs more than the computer itself) and antivirus, of course the thing is going to crash all the time, they used the cheapest hardware they could get their hands on.

That is why Mac are seemingly more stable relative to their brand name PC counterpart, they have much better hardware. Much more overpriced hardware relative to how overpriced windows is that's for sure. Mac's Ram will cost you about $1K per 2GB, where you can turn around and buy the same memory for a quarter the price.
Mac's Ram will cost you about $1K per 2GB, where you can turn around and buy the same memory for a quarter the price.

I swore I wouldn't participate in these threads anymore, but honestly, what the fuck? Adding an extra 4GB to your setup on Apple Store is around 200€, making one 2GB module 100€. Yes, you can get it a lot cheaper when you buy it yourself (which no-one says you shouldn't do), but 1K per 2GB? :lol:
Yeah, also Windows 7 goes (or at least went) on $30-50 sales pretty often, and Microsoft Office is a totally unnecessary investment when we've got OpenOffice.
hey, I have decided to build my own custom "micro" desktop (I travel a lot, so I need a small desktop) Is someone out there willing to help me?

Just ask specific questions here in this thread and i am sure some of us and maybe even me will at least try to help you.

So what exactly do you need help with ?
I swore I wouldn't participate in these threads anymore, but honestly, what the fuck? Adding an extra 4GB to your setup on Apple Store is around 200€, making one 2GB module 100€. Yes, you can get it a lot cheaper when you buy it yourself (which no-one says you shouldn't do), but 1K per 2GB? :lol:

Looks like they finally got the hint. When I was working on saving money to buy a MacPro, it was 12K USD more to get 32GB. I remember going on some mac forums and it was repeatedly mentioned to get the lowest amount of memory from mac and upgrade with a third party company because it was just as good and was a fraction the price.

Actually its cheaper now because they are using DDR3 ECC RAM, a few years back they where using FBDIMM, which in its own nature is expensive, BUT, no where near the price they where trying to charge. Their current prices are still a little over the top. They are still charging 150 USD per 2GB stick. That's not to mention the $200 markup plus difference when upgrading to the 2.93GHz Westmere, and adding a 50% plus difference per Terabyte of Hard Disk Space. That would be fine with the HDD if they where substantially better than say the high end Western Digital, but the sad thing is they aren't.
Well, I want to build a micro desktop. I found this case, which comes with a 500W Power Supply. Some people have told me that it is better if it is a least 650W, why is that? Would I be OK with the 500W Power Supply that comes stock with this case: ??

It depends on how much stuff you are going to have installed in your system, you can use a PSU calculator to see if you will be alright with the 500w.. if you are building a micro desktop with only 1 hd 500 is probably fine

What a lot of people don't realize, stability has almost nothing to do with the OS, but rather the quality of the hardware being used. Of course a $600 Dell with 8GB of Ram, a 3.2GHz quad core, 2TB HDD that comes with a 22 in widescreen monitor, keyboard and mouse, windows office (which costs more than the computer itself) and antivirus, of course the thing is going to crash all the time, they used the cheapest hardware they could get their hands on.

That is why Mac are seemingly more stable relative to their brand name PC counterpart, they have much better hardware. Much more overpriced hardware relative to how overpriced windows is that's for sure. Mac's Ram will cost you about $1K per 2GB, where you can turn around and buy the same memory for a quarter the price.

actually the os does effect performance. i first used windows when i built my computer and thats what im talking about having problems and being somewhat slow starting programs. (it was the home premium version) but then again, pro tools was also a program originally created for mac not windows. mac really is more suited for music and video creation though. its a fact that you can only learn when you do the switch.
Hey so here is what I have got so far. For those of you who know about building computers, I would like to know you opinion, and also if you have time to check it out, please verify that everything I am buying is compatible! Thanks a lot guys!





Video card:

Internal HD:

I think that the only things I am missing are the OS (Windows 7), and the CD drive.
actually the os does effect performance. i first used windows when i built my computer and thats what im talking about having problems and being somewhat slow starting programs. (it was the home premium version) but then again, pro tools was also a program originally created for mac not windows. mac really is more suited for music and video creation though. its a fact that you can only learn when you do the switch.

You nailed it on the head. The programs that are designed for OSX in mind will perform slightly slower on Windows. It was the same thing as the NVIDIA fanboys claiming that the NVIDIA cards were more superior to the ATI/AMD card because their equivalent model had higher frame rates. Little did they forget that those particular games' engines where built around the NVIDA drivers. The engines that where built equally around both platforms, the ATI/AMD cards were a few frame faster.

There is some truth to the fact that OSX is a little bit faster than any of the Windows OS, that is because it it more streamlined in the sense that the space it takes is smaller, requiring less hardware resources to seek incoming and outgoing data. This very very small effect becomes null the more you start to fill up the Hard Drive space as the seek times being to increase as the registry gets larger. This is why every machine slows down as the hard memory system gets full. Like I was told many times in my Electrical Engineering degree program, "hardware be fast, software be slow".

In terms of hardware and software compatibility, apogee and avid hardware and software will perform a little bit fast on a Mac than a PC, but run another platform and you will find very little difference in speed and response between the different OS systems.

In terms of crashing and overall stability...80% hardware, 20% of how much junk you fill your HDD with and various registry errors. That plagues both systems.
Hey so here is what I have got so far. For those of you who know about building computers, I would like to know you opinion, and also if you have time to check it out, please verify that everything I am buying is compatible! Thanks a lot guys!





Video card:

Internal HD:

I think that the only things I am missing are the OS (Windows 7), and the CD drive.

did a quick run through and it looks good. dont forget your psu though.
Hey what do you mean by PSU? If it is Power Supply Unit, I think the case comes with one 500W. I am not sure if it would enough though, but I haven't find a micro case that doesn't come with a Power Supply :S! All the ones that I have look for, come with a stock300 - 500 Power Supply. If you find an atx micro case that comes without a power supply, please send me the link :)!