Alive 2 Doco - I feel 18 again!


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003

The doco on the Alive 2 DVD is worth the price alone. Its just brilliant. Man I don't know about you but it made me feel like an 18 year old fan boy again seeing all those classic old Donnington shows when they all had hair!

And I am gonna come out and say this loud and proud too for once I can honestly say I know which lineup I prefer.

And this is coming from someone who absolutely loves John and Robs contribution to the band but for me there is an energy, a unity and just something special about seeing Joey, Dan, Frankie, Chuck and Mr Rosenfeld together again.

Call it nostalgia but I seriously can't deny that there is a magic click or energy when these guys are together on stage. And this isn't stating Joey is better than John. They are different. Plain and simple. Both are brilliant in their own respective ways.

Also I just love the fact that Scott sums it up when he says Whats in the past is all water under the bridge. Says it all - you say things in life about people, you fight with those who are close to you but this proves once and for all that blood is thicker than water.

Yes I am sad to see John and Rob's departure but I am very very excited about the prospect of seeing a new album with Joey on it. I know Bush fans will disagree but thats cool man, I respect your right of preference but I have mine.

Just my thoughts anyway. Its a shame we spend half our time on here trying to diss each other because we have a preference for a certain lineup...

Enjoy Anthrax regardless of the lineup. Long Live John Bush. Long Live Rob Caggiano. Long Live Danny Spitz. Long Live Joey Belladonna but most importantly LONG LIVE ANTHRAX!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:

*steps off soapbox*
A GREAT post. Adelphia carried the Alive 2 show, and I was blown away by the energy, stage presence and skills that Joey brought to the table.

Coke/Pepsi Beta/VHS Joey/John - It's all a matter of personal opinion.

Matt Bello said:
Just listen again to MOMD, it's a so much better show.

I agree that MOMD is fantastic - however my fav is still NFV. Thats untouchable in my opinion.
Matt Bello said:
Just listen again to MOMD, it's a so much better show.

I dont agree, Alive 2 has a far greater set list imo (AIR, NFL, I'm The Man etc.) and is just as tight.

I was comparing the versions of the classics that are on both and its so good to see the full versions again. To cut the solo section out of caught in a mosh is criminal.
reidie said:
I dont agree, Alive 2 has a far greater set list imo (AIR, NFL, I'm The Man etc.) and is just as tight.

I was comparing the versions of the classics that are on both and its so good to see the full versions again. To cut the solo section out of caught in a mosh is criminal.

Yeah I always wondered why the cut out that part of Caught in a Mosh. I remember my first time hearing it and going "what the hell is this?"
Same with NFL... full solo in that song now.

Still MOMD is great but NFV is far superior to both of them just because it shows Thrax at their absolute pinnacle for me - and they all had hair too (more importantly ;p)
I totally agree with you, but you knew that already LOL! ALive 2 IMO is the best live vid from THRAX, I agree energywise NFV is untouchable, but performancewise Joey has never sung better than on alive 2!
aliasp said:

The doco on the Alive 2 DVD is worth the price alone. Its just brilliant. Man I don't know about you but it made me feel like an 18 year old fan boy again seeing all those classic old Donnington shows when they all had hair!

And I am gonna come out and say this loud and proud too for once I can honestly say I know which lineup I prefer.

And this is coming from someone who absolutely loves John and Robs contribution to the band but for me there is an energy, a unity and just something special about seeing Joey, Dan, Frankie, Chuck and Mr Rosenfeld together again.

Call it nostalgia but I seriously can't deny that there is a magic click or energy when these guys are together on stage. And this isn't stating Joey is better than John. They are different. Plain and simple. Both are brilliant in their own respective ways.

Also I just love the fact that Scott sums it up when he says Whats in the past is all water under the bridge. Says it all - you say things in life about people, you fight with those who are close to you but this proves once and for all that blood is thicker than water.

Yes I am sad to see John and Rob's departure but I am very very excited about the prospect of seeing a new album with Joey on it. I know Bush fans will disagree but thats cool man, I respect your right of preference but I have mine.

Just my thoughts anyway. Its a shame we spend half our time on here trying to diss each other because we have a preference for a certain lineup...

Enjoy Anthrax regardless of the lineup. Long Live John Bush. Long Live Rob Caggiano. Long Live Danny Spitz. Long Live Joey Belladonna but most importantly LONG LIVE ANTHRAX!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:

*steps off soapbox*
Well said.
Great post and that documentary did kick some ass.... I still haven't seen this line-up since they reformed but I am really hoping for a Headling tour..