I've re-read threads I've bookmarked and I see many of you do crazy amounts of stage compression.
I myself often do stuff like that, especially for bass :
comp > ampsim > comp > limiter
And I'm not afraid of having dozen of dB of compression sometimes. I smash my vocals as well, but I do it with only a few compressors chained.
But I have seen, from talented people here, some chains close to :
comp (printed) > ---- > comp > comp > limiter > comp
And each compressor being different, from C4 to LA2A to Rvox, or 1176, stillwell rocket, etc.
My question is : how do you feel you have to use C4 there, and then add some 1176, then limit, and then add a compressor over it ? If some of you guys do it, I guess there is a meaningful reason to do so.
Is that colour ? Is that each comp have it's personnal role (like : one has to tame the most obvious transients, then the second is there to de-breathe, then the last one is to acually compress, then a limiter) ? Is that your ears tell you there is a sweet spot around 6dB of reduction for a plugin and you prefer staging 2 instead of compressing more with only one instance ?
Also, what's the purpose of a compressor after a limiter ? I know, a limiter is actually a compressor, but I just don't get it. When I try this out of curiosity, I don't know what my ears are supposed to feel. I just use my limiters to almost brickwall a track, so how do you use them ?
I'm very interested in your input about all this
I've re-read threads I've bookmarked and I see many of you do crazy amounts of stage compression.
I myself often do stuff like that, especially for bass :
comp > ampsim > comp > limiter
And I'm not afraid of having dozen of dB of compression sometimes. I smash my vocals as well, but I do it with only a few compressors chained.
But I have seen, from talented people here, some chains close to :
comp (printed) > ---- > comp > comp > limiter > comp
And each compressor being different, from C4 to LA2A to Rvox, or 1176, stillwell rocket, etc.
My question is : how do you feel you have to use C4 there, and then add some 1176, then limit, and then add a compressor over it ? If some of you guys do it, I guess there is a meaningful reason to do so.
Is that colour ? Is that each comp have it's personnal role (like : one has to tame the most obvious transients, then the second is there to de-breathe, then the last one is to acually compress, then a limiter) ? Is that your ears tell you there is a sweet spot around 6dB of reduction for a plugin and you prefer staging 2 instead of compressing more with only one instance ?
Also, what's the purpose of a compressor after a limiter ? I know, a limiter is actually a compressor, but I just don't get it. When I try this out of curiosity, I don't know what my ears are supposed to feel. I just use my limiters to almost brickwall a track, so how do you use them ?
I'm very interested in your input about all this