All hail Bolt Thrower


Nov 6, 2002
:worship: :worship:
I love this death metal band. They're one of those slower death metal bands with some groove. Maybe similar to Chaos A.D era Sepultura. So what do you think about this band?
Bolt Thrower are pretty good. I have Honor Valor Pride, In Battle There Is No Law, and For Victory. I like all of them, but For Victory is my favorte. IMO they are the best death metal band from the UK around today.
Bolt Thrower are one of my favourite bands. The only album I'm missing is In Battle There Is No Law, a reissue is surely needed. I can't see the familiarity with Chaos AD though, but they are definately one of the premier metal bands from the UK today.
Longtime Bolt Thrower fan of the first death metal bands I ever got into. I'd actually say their poorest effort is The IVth Crusade; it's got the least variation in structure, tempo and riffery of any of their albums. Crappy production tops off the repetitive songs. (note, each individual song is decent, but they all sound too similar)

I'd say their best album is either Realm of Chaos or personal favourite being Mercenary by far.
I have "Warmaster", "The IVth Crusade" and "Honor, Valor, Pride", and both albums are indeed great.. Such a cool groove.. Damn, I better get hold of the others...
Dreamlord said:
I own all of the full length studio releases. Their best is For Victory

...For Victory is good, but it's let down somewhat by When Glory, they sure as hell slaughter that riff. It's lame.

I've been trying to locate IBTINL for a long time now, but no success.

Thanatopsis123 said:
HVP is a fucking great concept album. The new vocalist kicks ass too. It's their best release yet I'd say.

I wouldn't have said having the usual war theme and three title tracks qualifies for a 'concept' album.
SculptedCold said:
...For Victory is good, but it's let down somewhat by When Glory, they sure as hell slaughter that riff. It's lame.

I just think what does it for me is the title track. Man, that's a great song.

I've been trying to locate IBTINL for a long time now, but no success.

I got my copy from Relapse Records for like $14, which included shipping.
Yeah, the first time I heard War I was like.....awesome! It definately works as an instrumental's something I didn't expect but without words presents the mood and theme of the album. [edit] what the hell am I talking about? you said title track. Yeah, well, that's great too. :tickled: (i'm a War fan as you can tell)

I liked The IVth Crusade for it's outro in a similar way, but it's a pity that album isn't so great as a whole.

Thanks for the IBTINL reference.
NOT a concept album? So the fact that all songs are linked by a common theme and it could be argued (I haven't seen anything official) that it's a single story...

How about this:

Death metal veterans Bolt Thrower aren't among the most extreme or original bands of the grindcore genre, but they could be one of its most consistent. Honour Valour Pride showcases the band's tendency toward slower-than-usual tempos, and even boasts an intelligent lyrical story line. ~ Andy Hinds, All Music Guide

I think you just got pwned. Pwned hard.
You're throwing AMG at me? AMG??? Who gives a shit what AMG has to say for itself?

HVP doesn't have a storyline, have you even read the damn lyrics? Since when did one song one that album (or any other bolt thrower album) connect in a linear or progressive fashion to any other? They don't. There isn't a storyline, only a theme, and a themed album is not a concept album. It's (duh) a themed album. Since when did making an album of war anthems become a concept?? Oh hell, you may as well call Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory a concept album because it's themed around emotional pains. Or any one of Deicide's albums because all the songs are anti-christian.