All Music Guide reviews WCFYA

No, Alex. They were talking about "Safe at Home", a song that doesn't exist. Check it again!
They said "Safe at Home" is the albums weakest song. I'm glad that, on the versions I have, "Safe at Home" doesn't exist, because my CDs don't have a single 'weak song' on them.
And I'd like to say that "Safe Home" --no relation to "Safe at Home"-- is one of the albums best songs.
What is up w/ all these "professional'' music journalists misprounouncing and misspelling songs off this fucking record? I swear to god, if I read another review that talks about the song "Thinking About an End" again I will nut the fuck up! It's "Think About an End"'s "Safe Home". Christ, look at the goddamn cd if you have a problem remembering the song titles.

I don't get the "Sad but True" comparison.
.....nope still don't get it.

and is he saying that he thinks 'Thrax is starting shit w/ R A T M ? How do you start shit w/ a band that doesn't exist anymore?
Is it really a big surprise to hear a song w/ a few unfavorable comments on religion? I mean really, from the front of the cd to the cd itself, you have the ANTHRAX "A" intertwined w/ a pentagram, which is the best take on a band logo since "Tallica came out w/ the star, and you are a little taken aback by a few lyrics?

I'd rather be "Safe at Home" "Thinking About an End"
than read another half assed effort of a review. Now that's "Sad but True"......

The only positive spin on this is that these dolts are into the record....god love 'em, even if they're mega-retarded......
Right on.....the one error that keeps grinding at me is when people call the record We Have Come For You All..... it just sounds so wrong !!!

I know its being picky but it just shits me.
I don't give a fuck what this guy thinks of the album or of the songs but I just don't get that home and sad but true. What the fuck?? Can anyone enlighten me?
AlexStomp said:
I don't give a fuck what this guy thinks of the album or of the songs but I just don't get that home and sad but true. What the fuck?? Can anyone enlighten me?

They both have guitars AND drums

Often at the same time
AlexStomp said:
I don't give a fuck what this guy thinks of the album or of the songs but I just don't get that home and sad but true. What the fuck?? Can anyone enlighten me?

Both songs start with the letter S?

I don't know. Maybe the writer just has his head up his ass!