Resentful Saxon Reviews - Send this idiot a wake-up call!




Bad news -
I just read some resentful reviews about my favorite band - Saxon!

I just got done writing some hate mail to Ed Rivadavia at All Music Guide, that !@#$&**!

Go to this link –

This is just one of many of the inaccurate reviews, note the stars and comments. This dope cannot review good music to save his life.

There is a spot where you can comment on the entry, so feel free give em’ hell.

Rock on! Metal forever!


Well then, what's the two stars for?

How about you read the first line -
CMC International seems to have found a way to sign every available "no longer hip" metal band on the planet; so it was only a matter of time before they snapped up Saxon. That doesn't sound good.

Next if you also read the next line -
After a string of surprisingly strong records,.... hint hint, that's not good either.

Did you look at some of the other reviews? Try reading those, this one was just an example.