all-region DVD players

that last part is an oxymoron.

i hear good things about the malatas.

the thing is, i don't keep up on what's decent. so i only know what i've overheard.

my thoughts would be to go cheap and roll the rest into a dvd-burner too, if you don't have one yet.

the netflix/nicheflix/burning machine is buku gnarly when you get it going.
you do have something that plays regular region 0 stuff, right? cuz i read that some bitchy US companies are encoding discs to not play on multi-region players.
is there a model that plays SACDs too? that's the only other thing i'd look for.

you can play the region 3 version of UZUMAKI and have us all over for noodles and sake.
I got the JVC and it's pretty nice. I only have one Euro DVD to test it with (a Håkan Hellström bonus disc thingy), but it worked well and converted the PAL aspect okay. signed up with nicheflix and am eagerly awaiting Day of the Beast.

so now the question for Nick (and others): what else do I need to see now that I *can* see it?
note: I'm not super into horror stuff, but I'll probably check out some of japanese stuff that's popular.
oh and one thing I didn't notice before buying: the new DVD player only has digital outs if you want surround sound and RCAs for stereo only. of coruse my receiver doesn't support that, so now I may buy a new one which will make my wife happy. well, someday. if i ever actually drill the holes and run the wire to set up a 5.1 environment in my living room.
i guess i'm going to have a problem suggest non-horror stuff, so i'll have to think on it.

definitely look through their shaw brothers selection, which is under the asian films.

a hong kong label have been releasing an onslaught of that studio's back catalog, and a lot of this stuff has never been on video or hasn't been available for years. really great, gritty stuff from the 70s. most is genre martial arts (with good production values), but there's also some comedy and crime stuff mixed in.

nicheflix has a pretty good stock of that series.

i had high hopes for 'the bunker', but i wouldn't recommend you see that.
oh yeah, City of God is def something I'd be into. and yeah, I've seen those shaw films listed at hkflix so it's definitely something I'm curious about.

I'm okay with horror, it's just not 'my thing' y'know. give suggestions!

and you should see Day of the Beast if you haven't already Nick