all-region DVD players

i haven't seen ju-on (the grudge) and haute tension yet, but they are supposed to be good. i'd pre-recommend those.

haven't seen day of the beast, but i was gonna add it to my list. i probably should. yeah, you've convinced me to.

goke the body snatcher from hell is one of my favorite 70's japanese horror movies, but i'm thinking you would hate it. i'm suggesting it, anyhow. garish colors.

"the stone tape" is an obscure UK TV horror film from the early 70s. again, i don't think most people could watch it, and it is boring, w/o any real payoff, but i was fascinated. a bunch of young engineers/scientists try to capture a ghost in their new digs.


and ghostwatch. rent that first. ghostwatch is A+
I seem to have an all regions player. I was told it didn't handle PAL but found that option buried in a menu. I know nothing about the unit really. My brother ordered a video card and got the player instead.
ju-on is already on my list, as is Battle Royale. I'm curious about Suicide Circle, but I've heard too many conflicting things. Worthwhile?

will def add Ghostwatch - I remember reading about that on the other board and it sounded interesting.