All that work finally pays off!!!

Congrats !

Though i find it a bit weird to reamp guitar tracks for a LIVE dvd.

It cannot be compared with artists doing overdubs in the studio during post-production since they can't stand the mistakes they've done during their performance (i hate this), but still when i think of a live album i think of "how it sounded during that specific gig".

We reamped for cleanliness. You figure the amp mics are going to be picking up a whole lot of things aside from just the guitars.... drums, crowd noise, & the jumping around. ...and like mentioned before, if the mic got bumped, well, there goes your whole sound...

That & we can dial in the tone to precisely what we want... makes perfect sense.


BTW, I do belive the guitars on the record were dual tracked through Andy's JSX... ....and sound fucking amazing, BTW.

No seriously kudos on that mang!
Thank you Oz for the reamping!!!! The band is so tight and the drummer is a machine!!! The mix was not many probleme with the crowd(mic placement). The mix sound really really live. A lot of crowd in the mix to keep the natural live feeling. I don't think it's a killer mix but it's a killer band!!!!

and yes the album is 2 gtr track with the jsx!!

cool man! thats a major breakthrough! congrats!!

I didn't know it was common to record the DI signal of the guitars on live shows, but maybe that's what you do when you know you're about to make a brutal DVD out of it.. .. or maybe there are new guitars recorded under better circumstances in a studio maybe? I don't know..

Sick, congratulations man, I bet the dvd is gonna be sick. Been looking forward to it for a while.

What amp did you use?
congrats - hope this will not change your reamping prices))))
hell yah man! i just happen to be blasting despised through my krks atm lol
one of my fav bands atm and when seeing them + Yannick live in london i felt like giving up as a musician and an audio engineer lol.

cant wait for the release!!!